Jan 1, 1400
First Definition of Being
As Chief of the Wizards' Council Burdock Muldoon tried to classify all creatures into two categories: Beasts and Beings. The difference between the two was that Beings were any member of the wizarding community that could walk on two legs. -
Jan 1, 1400
First meeting of all Beings
Summoned by the Chief of the Wizards' Council Burdock Muldoon, it was disrupted by multiple creatures that didn't understand what was going on wreaking havoc everywhere. After this incident, Muldoon abandoned any further attempts to integrate non-wizard member to the Wizard's Council. -
Jan 1, 1415
Second Attemp at Definition of Beast
Chieftainess Elfrida Clagg attempted to classify creatures into Beings or Beast by declaring that all those magical creatures that could speak the human tongue were Beings. -
Jan 1, 1416
Second Meeting of All Beings
Summoned by the Chieftainess Elfrida Clagg but disrupted by creatures that were too violent, centaurs boycotting the meeting because Merpeople were not included, and ghosts disgusted with what they called "the Council's unashamed emphasis on the needs of the living as opposed to the wishes of the dead". -
Creation of the British Ministry of Magic
Current definition of Being
The current definition of a Being is "any creature that has sufficient intelligence to understand the laws of the magical community and to bear part of the responsibility in shaping those laws" and it was stated by the Minister for Magic Grogan Stump. -
Creation of the Being and Beast Divisions of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
By the Minister Grogan Stump -
Protest Floats
Ghost demonstration in the Ministry of Magic in protest of their classifications as Beings. Ghost consider themselves "Has Beens". -
Creation of the Spirit Division
After the Protest Floats, it was decided to classify ghost in a new category. A new division was needed in order to deal with their needs.