Primitive era
In this part of the history the cavemen discover the fire thet helped them to prepare the food that they catch, to defend them of the predators and to warm them in the cold night. It happened 450.000 years b.c. -
Chemystry in the antiquity
In this era the humans discover different kinds of metals like the bronze or the iron. Here Tales de Mileto said that nothing can survive withoutwater and Democrito and Leucipo said that everything is the combination of the warm, cold, wet and dry. Here start the consideration of the atom. This happened between 2500 B.C. and 500 B.C. -
Jan 1, 1100
Here were the first practises of using the gold, mercury, arsenic, sulphur, salts, lead and acid, They made the first techniques of investigation. They proposed to find the elixir of long life and the philosopher stone. They used many different elements for helping them in the experimentation. -
Dec 24, 1300
Here the doctors tough that the medicine had to be made of vegetal extract. Paracelso made better the mineral and vegetal medicine and simplified the standard therapy. -
George Stahl proposed the phlogiston theory that says that the matter plus a combustible make fire, but then Antonie Laurent Lavoisier modified it saying that matter plus fire make lime or ash. -
Modern chemistry
Van Helmont studied the dissolution of the metals and he isolated the gas of the fermentation of the wine. Robert Boyle discovered the changes in the volume of the gases at different pressures. Antonie Lavousier stablished that the energy is not created or destoyed just transformed. -
Chemistry like scientific activity
Here there were 8 important groups of scientists like Alessandro Volta that developed the electric battery, Jhon Dalton, Ernest Rutherford, Niels Bohr that developed the atomic theory, Dimitri Mendeleiev that developed the periodic table, Albert Einstein that depeloped the theory of the relativity, Pierre and Marie Curie that discovered the radioactivity and Watson and Crick who depeloped the tridimensional DNA molecule. -
Atomic theory
This theory was born in the chemistry like scientific activity. Jhon Dalton started it saying that the atom is spheric and indivisible. Then Ernest Rutherford said that the nucleus is made of protons and neutrons. Finally, Niels Bohr stablished that the atom's form is like a planetary sistem. -
Organic chemistry
This type of chemistry study the carbon composide that is accompanied of hidrogen. Like the carbohydrates, the lipids, the vitamins, the proteins, the ketones, the paraffine and the fuels.
It also study the comoposition and reactions of the elements of the periodic table. Like the iron, the oxigen, the helium, the gold etc... -
Analitic chemistry
It analize rhe composition of the substances. It is divided in two parts. In one side there is te cualitative form that is encharged to identify the qualities and there is the cuantitative that identify the quantity of something in a substance. -
Physical chemistry
This type of chemistry study the changes of the energy in a sistem obviously by the optic of the physical side. From there is the name of physical chemistry.