Boston Founded
This can be regarded as common knowledge. --Jason -
Grist Mill Dam
Grist mill dam erected at Watertown, first of 43 industrial mills to be built on lower Charles First change to the flow of the Charles River. -
Mother Brook
The First Industrial Canal in North America. crwa.org/ Photo: http://www.boston-online.com/cityviews/mother_brook.html (Not a scholarly site, but I'll vouch for the image.--Jason) -
Boston streets paved, Late 1700s
Boston streets are paved with cobblestone; underground drainage systems created.
epa.gov -
"mill pond" creation
Building of Moody Street Dam created the mill pond and led to the extensive use of the Charles for recreational purposes and drew a lot of people/tourists.
(crwa.org)(added by Abby Rendos -
Public Waste Introduced to Charles
"Introduction of public water supply spurs develop of internal plumbing for waste; waste is conveyed directly to Charles through pre-existing street drains and through newly constructed common sewers carrying storm and sewer water" (EPA). -Ibi Taher -
Government Report on Mills
43 mills reported downstream of Watertown Falls; report notes they contribute to river pollution. crwa.org/ -
Most of back bay filled.
Smaller river area in combination of sewage resulted in combined sewer overflows (CSO) and raised health concerns.
Added by David DeSario -
First Charles River Dam
Construction effort led by Charles Eliot. crwa.org --Jason -
Quabbin Reservoir
In this decade, new water supply in western MA allows Greater Boston population to expand, putting more stress on river. crwa.org Photo: https://sites.tufts.edu/dca/tag/quabbin-reservoir/ --Jason -
Lower-than-average rainfall negatively affects Charles River
"By the mid-1960's the river was in sorry shape after several years of lower-than-average rainfall. Raw sewage flowed from outmoded wastewater treatment plants. Toxic discharges from industrial facilities colored the river pink and orange" (CRWA). - Monica Coyle -
CRWA Founded
crwa.org --Jason -
Blush of Environmentalism
Earth Day, Clean Air Act, and Environmental Protection Agency all produced in this year.
(Struck, Raw Sewage Continues to Contaminate Waterways in New England)
-Sara -
Clean Water Act
--Jason -
CLF sues federal & state governments
Clean-up of Charles intensifies as result. crwa.org --Jason -
EPA launches the Clean Charles River Initiative
Aimed to make river swimmable and fishable (www.epa.gov) Danielle Venticinque -
Clean Charles Initiative
EPA launches an ambitious effort to restore the river to better ecological health. EPA identified a goal of making the Charles River both "fishable" and "swimmable." http://www.epa.gov/region1/charles/initiative.html Submitted by Grant Myers -
Charles Master Plan created
A Master Plan for the basin was developed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, creating a comprehensive assessment and vision of the parks, parkways, river banks, and watershed of the Charles. -Santiago B. -
Clean Charles Initiative
CRWA reduces point sources of pollution which is a major component of the EPA's Clean Charles inititative. (crwa.org) Shelby Reardon -
Conflict over EPA regulatory power in Franklin, Milford and Bellingham
Kaitlin Cullen-Verhauz
To regulate storm water discharge and hold businesses accountable for reducing their own runoff, the EPA moved to issue two permits that apply to municipalities and private properties with more than 2 acres of impervious pavement and/or rooftops in F, B and M. Senator Richard Moore (Uxbridge D), Rep John Fernandes (Milford D) put pressure on the Mass congressional delegation to block the EPA from implementing rules that would harm business. (Martinez) -
BWS begins eliminating illegal sewer hook-ups
As a result of this work, 630,770 gallons raw sewerage prevented from entering river each day. Daley, Boston Globe --Jason
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