Period: 300 to 1500
Byzantines Empire
Emperor Constantine founded the Byzantine capital
Byzantine used Constantopoulis after it was refounded under constantine 1st, who transferred the capital of the roman empire from Rome to Byzantine. -
General Belisarius Military Campaigns
They Conquered North Africa, Italy, and the southern Iberian Peninsula. These victories were short lived because the fighting had weakened Justinian's treasury and the eastern defenses. And Justinian lost those territories 1 by 1. -
Nika Revolt
riots broke out and a fire swept Constantinople. Many buildings were destroyed and lots of lives were taken. -
Hagia Sophia Completed
Emperor Justinian ordered for the construction of the Hagia Sophia to begin after the previous church had been destroyed in riots. Now the museum is filled with religious figures -
Islamic Conquests Parts of the Byzantine Territory
After the rule of Justinian the Byzantines experienced multiple attacks from the Persians, Slavs, Vikings, Huns, and Turks, most weren't successful.The empire was a barrier for western Europe, especially in stopping the spread of Muslim conquest. In the 600s and some of the 700s Arab armies slowly gained control of Byzantine territories. -
Emperor Basil II military conquests up to year 1025
Emperor Basil II is most known for his war against the Bulgarian empire. His war with them went from 986 to 1014. Each year his forces slowly crept farther into Bulgaria. Finally after holding northern and central Bulgaria he began to go towards the capital Ochrida. He then had a victory and was given the name Slayer of Bulgars. -
Great Schism
During the Middle Ages the two branches of Christianity drew farther apart. In the 700s though a Byzantine emperor banned the use of icons for worship. This ban sparked unrest in the empire. The pope went as far to condemn the Byzantine emperor. The Eastern side is now the Greek Orthodox while the West was Roman Catholics. -
Alexio contacts Pope Urban 2nd
Alexio asked Pope Urban for christian knights to help him fight the Muslim Turks because they were taking over the Holy land. -
Fourth Crusade
In later Crusades a trade rivalry sparked violence between the Byzantine empire and Venice. In 1204 Venetian merchants persuaded knights of the fourth crusade to attack Constantinople. Knights burned and destroyed the city and sending treasures to the west. -
Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks
The Byzantines were slowly declining because of military disasters in their other cities. The Ottoman Turks invaded the capital and won since most of the military wasn't in Constantinople