Period: 300 to Jan 1, 1500
History of the Byzantines
Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital
Constantine fought to win over the Byzantine Capital. He defeated his rival Maxentius to become the only emperor of the West, then defeated Lucinius and was able to reuinite the empire. -
Nika Riots
The Nika riots took place over a week's time in Constantinople. It was the most violent riot in all of Constantinople's history. More than half the city was burned or destroyed, and thousands of people were killed. -
General Belisarius Military Campaigns
The end of Belisarius's retirement was ended in 559 AD, because an army of Kutrigur Bulgars crossed the Danube river to invade the Roman empire. Belisarius defeated them and drove them back across the river. -
Hagia Sophia Completed
The Hagia Sophia was a Christian patriarchal church. It was dedicated to the wisdom of God. -
Jan 1, 633
Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory
Earlier battles in both Islam and Byzantine territories made both of them open for conquest. The Islam people didn't want the Byzantines to impose Christianity on them, so they decided to fight. In the end, Islam was able to greatly expand their territory. -
Jan 1, 1054
Great Schism
Also called the East-West Schism, it was a split between the Roman catholic church into two parts, Eastern Church and Western church. -
Jan 1, 1095
Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II for miliatry help in the Middle East
When the Turks were threatening to invade the Byzantine empire and take over Constantinople, Alexius I came to Pope Urban II for help. Pope Urban II accepted, wanting to win the war for Christianity in Europe. -
Jan 1, 1202
Fourth Crusade (attack on Constantinople)
The Fourth Crusade was originally supposed to be a military invasion through Europe to conquer Jerusalem which was controlled by Muslims. -
May 29, 1453
Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks (official end to Byzantines)
The Fall of Constantinople happened with 3 attacks by the Ottoman Turks. The Turks had a military with about 100,000 men, while the Byzantines only had about 10,000. The war was a course of 50 days. In the end the city was completely taken over by the Turks and was renamed to Istanbul. -
Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria
Basil II extended the imperial rule in the Balkans and increased his domestic authority by attacking the church and military aristocracy.