Emperor Constantinople I founded the Byzantine capital
Canstantine became emperor after a civil war. He then dictated a New Rome. He allowed Christian's the freedom of worship within the emperor. defeated Licinius and reunited both sides of the emperor. He then renamed the capital to Canstantiople. -
The German invaders pounded the Roman empire in the west. The Roman emperor Constantinople and his successors moved there base to the est side of the Mediterranean. Constantine then rebuilt the city-state of Byzantium and renamed it after himself, Constantinople. By 330 AD he made Constantinople the new capitol. Constantinople grew so much by having a guarded harbor and making trade routs linking Europe and Asia. The fourth crusade was intended to take over Jerusalem by invasion through Egypt. -
Nika Revolt
Constantinople was badly damaged by all the amounts of riots. There was many reason why all of these riots took places. A mess in the public order and justice systems and heavy taxation due to all of the defeats they faced. During this process the power of women being able to be aprt of political issues was increasin. -
General Belisarius Military Campaigns
General Belisarius led his army to many many victories, this made home a great military leader and a leader in general. He had many people backing him up with all of his ideas with military and the city, he had many people following him through this miliatry time as being a leader so they could learn. -
Early Islamic Military Campaigns into Byzantine Territories
Muhammed a prophet established a brand new polity. This new campaign caused the collapse of the Sassanid empire and was the cause of the loss of the Byzantine empire. Because of this some Jews and Christians to be welcomed to the Muslims forces. -
Emperor Basil II Military Conquests of Bulgaria
The Military punched a campaign to be aimed at destroying Bulgarias resistance. When they came, they beat their army and went to go capture about 15,000 prisoners. Basil always showed that he was capable to be administrator by reducing the power of the great land etc. -
Greta Schism
This was the time when people started questioning some of the things the Catholic Church was doing. They would question the holy sprit and the bread. They were basically questioning how the church was being ran and who they could believe/ trust praying too. This then became the Orthodox Church and The Roman Catnolic Church. -
Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II for military help
In November 1095 AD Pope Urban II made a very important speech by calling all Christians in Europe to war against Muslims in order to reclaim the Holy Land. After Pope Urban II made this speech the first crusade was launched. The Holy Land is know known as the Middle East. Alexios wanted his help so they could be more successful in this process then not. -
Fall of the Constantinople to the Ottom Turks
This was the end of the Byzantine empire. Mehmed was the leader of the Ottoman Turks and he led the assault on the captial. Turks then renamed the capitol to Istanbul. Istanbul is still the capital to this day.