
Byzantine Timeline

  • 330

    Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine Capital

    Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine Capital
    The Roman emperor shifted their base to the eastern Mediterranean. Emperor Constantine then rebuilt Byzantine and renamed it Constantinople. In 330 AD, Constantinople was named the new capital of the empire and in time the eastern Roman Empire became Byzantine.
  • 532

    Nike Revolt (riots)

    Nike Revolt (riots)
    Much damage was done in the riots that surprisingly only lasted a week. Half of the city was destroyed and burned away. Lots of people were killed.
  • Period: 533 to

    General Belisarius Military Campaigns

    Many victories were won after Belisaurius was sent to Persia by Justinian. After that, he was sent to Italy, Ostrogoths to be exact. He again won many victories. While he was in Ostrogoths, he first took Sicily in 535 AD. Then, he took Naples and Rome in 536 AD. Lastly, he conquered Ravenna in 539 AD. Everyone respected Belisaurius being that Belisaurius always behaved honorably towards the conquered.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia Completed

    Hagia Sophia Completed
    Completed in 537 AD, rebuilt by Justinian after the riots made Constantinople grander than ever. Hagia Sophia means "holy wisdom".
  • Period: Jan 1, 623 to Jan 1, 1050

    Early Islamic Military Campaigns into Byzantine Territory

    The religious beliefs of people were what caused this. Byzantine was totally destroyed. The Muslims army beat the Sassanid Persian and the Byzantine Roman Empires that they had been fighting each other before.
  • Jan 1, 1014

    Emperor Basil II Military Conquests of Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil II Military Conquests of Bulgaria
    After Emperor Basil IIs victory in 1014 AD, the gave he former Bulgarian leader court titles, positions in provincial administration, and high commands in the army.
  • Jan 1, 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    Eastern and Western Christianity was permanently split after this. Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic contact then remained very distant and guarded during the Middle Ages and after.
  • Jan 1, 1095

    Emperor Alexius I contacts Pope Urban II of Military Help in the Middle East

    Emperor Alexius I contacts Pope Urban II of Military Help in the Middle East
    Alexius I asked Pope Urban II for Christian Knights to help him fight the Muslim Turks. Which was strange being that Roman Popes and Byzantine Emperors NEVER got along. Luckily, Pope Urban II agreed. Bishops and nobles were encouraged to help. Pope Urban II eventually called for the war to free the Holy Land.
  • Sep 22, 1204

    Fourth Crusade (attack on Constantinople)

    Fourth Crusade (attack on Constantinople)
    The Crusaders diverted from fighting Muslims to fighting other Christians after helping merchants from Venice defeat their Byzantine trade rivals in 1204. The capital of Byzantine, Constantinople, was then captured and looted.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks
    Cannons were shot at the defensive wall of the capital by war ships on the harbor. 1000 years after the fall of the Roman Empire, Constantinople still existed. Constantinople is now present day Istanbul.