Atom is founded.
Democritus discovers the atom. All atoms are indivisble, Atom derives from atomos. Atomos is greek for indivisible. -
John Dalton was born.
Born in Eaglesfield, Cumberland County, England. -
John Dalton (exact day and month not found)
John Dalton becomes electred as a member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society and a few weeks later, he communicated his first paper on "extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colors" in which he stated that the shortage in color perception was caused by discoloration of the liquid medium of the eyeball. -
John Dalton (exact day and month not found)
John Dalton becomes a secretary of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, -
John Dalton (exact day and month not found)
John Dalton presents an important series of papers entitled "Expiremental Essays" on the constitution of mixed gases; on the pressure of steam and other vapors at different tempuatures, both in vaccuum and in air; on evaporation; and on the thermal expansion of gases. -
John Dalton
Printed his first published table of relative atomic weight. Dalton provided no idication in this first paper on how he had arrived at these numbers, however, in his labatory notebook there is a list in which he sets out the relative weights of the atoms of a number of elements, derived from analysis of water, ammonia, carbon dioxide, etc. by chemists of the time. -
John Dalton announces Atomic Theory.
He proposed atomic theory, with spherical solid masses in motion. Atoms can't be made or destroyed. -
John Dalton announces atomic theory.
John Dalton gives the first announcement of his famous atomic theory. -
John Dalton (exact day and month not found)
Dalton gives a further account in the first part of the first volume of his New System of Chemical Philosophy. -
John Dalton (exact day and month not found)
Dalton releases the second part of his volume. -
John Dalton (exact day and month not found)
Dalton becomes a corresponding member of the French Academie des Sciences. -
John Dalton (exact day and month not found)
Dlaton is elected as one of the eight foreign associates. -
John Dalton (exact day and month not found)
John Dalton suffers his first minor stoke. -
John Dalton suffers his second stroke.
Dalton suffers his second stoke which left him with a speech impediment, though he remained able to do experiments. -
John Dalton suffers his 3rd stroke.
Dalton suffers yet another stroke, and on July 26 he recorded, with a trembling hand, his last meteorological observation. -
John Dalton passes away.
On July 27, in Manchester, Dalton fell from his bed and was found lifeless by his attendant. John Dalton, whose atomic theory remains a cornerstone of the ohysical sciences, had forty thousand mancunians who turned out to pay their respects at his funeral. -
Joseph John Thomson is born.
Born in Cheetham Hill. -
Ernest Rutherford is born.
Born at Spring Grove, Nelson Province, New Zealand. -
Neils Bohr is born.
Neils Bohr was born in Copenhagen. -
Erwin Schrodinger is born.
Erwin Schrodinger is born in Vienna, Austria. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
First original research on the high frequency magnestisation of of iron. Developed a timing device which could switch circuits in less than one hundred thousandth of a second. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Extended his research to higher frequincies using discharging Leyden jars and a Hertzian oscillator. Developed a magnetic detector of very short current pulses. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Measured the high frequency dielectric properties of materials. Used his magnetic detector as part of a frequency meter. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Sets the world record for the distance over which 'wireless' waves were detected. -
Joseph John Thomson creates "Plum Pudding" model.
At first, Thomson thought that atoms were made up of thousands of electrons because of their mass. If this were true then atoms would have a massive negative charge, but usually atoms have no charge. Thomson then thought that atoms had a number roughly equal to its atomic number. Atoms contain the same number of positive charged paritcles as they do negative. To express this idea, he invented the "Plum Pudding" model. -
Joseph John Thomson discovers electron.
He described atoms as ball of postive charge containing a number of electron, discovered the electron. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Discovers rays from radioactive materials are of two main types, which he names alpha and beta. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Demonstrates the principle which is the basis of today's modern smoke detector. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Discovers a radioactive gas, later to be named radon. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Announces formally that radioactivity is a manifestation of sub-atomic change. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of London. -
Joesph John Thomson discovers mass spectrograph.
In 1904 Thomson thought a model of the atom was a sphere of positive matter in which electrons were positioned by electrostatic forces. He estimated the number of electrons in an atom from measurements of the scattering of light, X, beta and gamma rays initiated by the research. This led to the discovery of the mass spectograph. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Awarded the Rumford Medal, his first major science prize. -
Nobel Physics Prize of 1906
Joseph John Thomson wins the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1906. -
Nobel Chemistry Prize of 1908.
Ernest Rutherford wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Announces the nuclear model of the atom. -
Erwin Schrodinger's work gets delayed.
Du to the start of WWI, Schrodinger's scientific progression was put on hold. Since most men were serving in the war, no theoritician was avaliable to sharpen his skills by giving him mutual critisism. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Becomes knighted, now he is Sir Ernest Rutherford. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Becomes the world's first successful alchemist, changing nitrogen into oxygen (he splits the atom). -
Neils Bohr founds the Institue of of Theoretical Physics.
Neils Bohr founds the Insitiute of Theoretical Physics and later becomes the director of it. -
Nobel Physics Prize of 1922.
Neils Bohr wins the Nobel Prize for Physics for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and the radiation emenating from them. -
Neils Bohr debates quantom theory.
Neils Bohr debates with Albert Einstein over the quantom theory. -
Royal Society of London.
Neils Bohr becomes a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and later on recieves the Royal Society Copley Medal in 1938. -
Erwin Schrodinger meets Albert Einstein
Erwin Schrodinger becomes chairman of theoretical physiscs in Berlin, where he and Albert Einstein become colleauges after being in communication since 1925. -
Ernest Rutherford (no exact month or date)
Elected President of the Institute of Physics. -
The Nobel Physics Prize of 1933.
Erwin Schrodinger wins the Nobel Prize in physics because of his discovery of new, productive forms of Atomic Theory. The Atomic Theory is describing the structure, behavior and other oarts if the atom and its component parts. -
Ernest Rutherford passes away.
Ernest Rutherford passes away at the age of 66 in Cambridge, England. -
J.J. Thomson passes away.
On August 30, 1940, Joseph John Thomson passes away at the age of 83. -
Erwin Schrodinger's late work and retirement.
He went to the Insititute of Advanced Studies in Dublin where he became the Director for Theoretical Physics. He stayed in Dublin until his retirement. -
International Atomic Energy Agency.
Neils Bohr's ideas and work helps the International Atomic Energy Agency. -
Atoms for Peacce Award.
Neils Bohr was given the Atoms for Peace Award. -
Erwin Schrodinger passes away.
Erwin Schrodinger passes away in Vienna at the age of 73 of tuberculosis. -
Niels Bohr passes away.
Neils Bohr passes away on November 18, 1962 in Copenhagen from a stroke at the age of 77. -
Neils Bohr Institute created.
The Institute of Physics at the University of Copenhagen changed their name to the Neils Bohr Institute in honor of him.