He was claimed to be the Father of Science. Around 500 BC, Democritus said that all things are made up of atoms, and that the smallest piece is called the atomos, and that atoms cannot be broken up. (460-370 BC) -
Jan 1, 1500
The Alchemists
Thought they could make gold from tin and other materials.
They tryed to turn base metals into expensive metal. (1500s) -
John Dalton
John Dalton created the atomic theory. He defined the hereditary nature of green-red colour blindness. First scientist to explain atoms in according to weight and size. In 1803 he revealed the concept of Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures. (1766-1844) -
Ernest Rutherford
He was called the Father of nuclear physics. In 1898, Ernest found out that a charge is contained inside a tiny nucleus. (1791-1867) -
J.J. Thomson
In 1897, He discovered there was such thing as a nucleus. He showed that a beam of light could be broken up by a nucleus. He won a Nobel Prize in Physics. (1856-1940) -
Neil Nohr
In 1911, Came up with a theory on atomic structures and radiation emission. Won a Nobel Prize in physics. Came up with ways to use atomic energy across the world.