History of the Atom by Zara Duncan 9 isore

By duncaz
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    He was also one of the first to see that a cone/ pyramid has one third of the volume of a cylinder/ prism with the same base and the same height.He visited a lot of different places to speak and teach about his discoveries and theroys
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    Democritus was influenced by Leucippus. Both Leucippus and Democritus were determinists. They believed everything to b the result of natural laws. Many think that Democritus copied Leucippus but their ideas were based upon different things.
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    Democritus was born in 460 BC Abdera, Thrace. He died in 370 BC.Democritus was the first scientist to come up with the possible theory that matter was made up of atoms. Then he created the word atom.Democritus was a Greek philosopher. He developed the atomic theory of the universes. His theory predicted the modern principles of the conversion of energy.
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    Democritus along with Leucippus and came up with the theory that everything is made up of atoms. Some of their theory’s were that atoms were not geometrically, but physically invisible, They said that between atoms lies an empty space, atoms are indestructible, Atoms will always be moving, There is an infinite amount of atoms that change in shape and size.
  • Lavoisier

    Lavoisier defined the concept of an element. He suggested that an element as a simple substance could not be broken down by any known way of chemical analysis. He also came up with a theory of the formation of a chemical compound from an element.
  • Lavoisier

    Lavoisier was born on the 16th of August 1743 in Paris, France. Lavoisier died on the 8th of May 1794 in Paris, France.Lavoisier was a French chemist. He is often considered the founder of modern chemistry.
  • Lavoisier

    Lavoisier stated that matter changes form and is not destroyed or created. He made the atomic theory of matter.His father gave him an excellent education, which made Lavoisier work on his passion for natural science. So he studied mathematics and astronomy for a great deal of time.
  • Lavoisier

    As well as Lavoisier’s chemical work he also work passionately on physical problems e.g. physical problems related to heat.A document was found after Lavoisier had passed which had statements about explain the cyclical process of animal and vegtable life. He pointed out things ike plants get derive their food from air, from water and from the mineral kingdom etc…
  • Dalton

    Dalton was born on the 6th of September 1766 in Eagles field, Cumberland, England. Dalton died on the 27th of July 1844 in Manchester, England. Dalton was a British chemist.Modern physical science is founded upon the atomic theory, which was developed by Dalton.
  • Dalton

    His most important contribution to science was Dalton’s theory that matter is composed of atoms that differ in weights and combine in simple ratios by weight.
  • Dalton

    Dalton had a big fascination for science. He had a very big love for meteorology. In 1793 John Dalton stated keeping a record of the daily weather. Dalton kept this recording up for 46 years! These records led Dalton to develop an interest in the gasses in the air. This led to the discovery of the Atomic theory.
  • Coulomb

    Coulomb was born on the 14th of June 1736 in Angouleme, France. Coulomb died on the 23rd of August 1806 in Paris France.Coulomb explained that like fluids repelled and unlike fluids attracted to each other. This stament had a huge impact on the development on the theory of absolute measurement, and also had a big impact on electrical potential.
  • Coulomb

    The Coulomb is the practical unit of quantity of electricity, is named after him, since he was the founder.
  • Coulomb

    Coulombs law was that the force one small charged object exerts on a second one is proportional to the amount of charge on one times the amount of charge on the others and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the. (F=Q1*Q2/r^2)Coulomb was a French natural philosopher, and also a military engineer.In 1779 Coulomb published a very important investigation of the laws of friction
  • Crookes

    Sir William Crookes was born on the 17th of June 1832 in London, England. Crookes died on the 4th of April 1919 in London, England.In 1870’s Sir William Crookes built a forerunner of the television picture tube. He did this to investigate the features of cathode rays.Crookes is best kwon of his tremendous discovery of thallium.
  • Crookes

    Crookes was an English chemist and physicist. In 1851 Crookes became the assistant of August Wihelm von Hofman who he studied under at the Royal College of Chemistry. 3 Years later in 1854 Crookes was assigned to be the assistant in the meteorological department of the Radcliff observatory in Oxford. 1 Year later he got a position as a chemist at Chester.
  • Crookes

    Crookes was one of the first scientists to study the properties of radium, in particular, inventing the spinathariscope. The spinathariscope is an invention in which the effects of a trace of radium salt are manifested by the phosphorescence, which is produced on a zinc sulphide screen.
  • Becquerel

    Henri Becquerel as born on December 15th 1852 in Paris, France. Becquerel died on the 25th of August 1908 in le Croisic, Brittany, France.Henri Becquerel made the tremendous discovery of spontaneous radioactivity. For this discovery Becquerel won the Nobel prize for Physics in 1903.In simpler words, Becquerel discovered radioactivity.
  • Becquerel

    After the discovery of x-rays, Becquerel noticed an unknown energy that was being realised from uranium salts. Becquerel set up an experiment where he left a rock and a well wrapped up photographic plate in his desk drawer. When Becquerel came to check on the plate he noticed that even though the plate wasn’t exposed to light it had developed which would only happen if it were exposed to light. So in 1869 Becquerel announced his discovery of radioactivity, which was formally known as ‘penetratin
  • Becquerel

    His father was a physicist (Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel) had invented the phosphoroscope, which was a device that allowed the precise measurement of light exposure. His grand father was a scientist, and his on was also a physicist
  • Bohr

    Bohr is known best for two concepts… the first, the correspondence principal and the second, the complementarity principal. As well as being a physist, Bohr was also a co-founder of the European Oraganisation for Nuclear Reasearch (CERN).
  • Bohr

    Niels Bohr was born on the 7th of October 1885. In Copenhagen, Denmark. He died on the 18th of November in 1962 Copenhagen, Denmark.Bohr made a lot of big contributions to how we picture the atomic structure and quantum mechanics.
  • Bohr

    Bohr contributed to our understanding of both the atomic structure and quantum mechanics by stating that an atom emits electromagnetic radiation, however, only when an electron differs between different energy levels. Which changed our understanding of atomic shells so that now we think of them as more energy levels that are inter-navigable by the electrons.
  • Bohr

    His work and his theories are influenced/based upon Max Planck and also based upon Ernest Rutherford. However Bohr influenced us by changing our understanding of the atomic structure and quantum mechanics.Niels Bohr is often referred to as the ‘father of quantum theory’In 1913 Bohr worked further on Rutherford’s theory on the structure of the atom. For his further work on Rutherford’s theory won Bohr the Nobel prize in physics in 1922.
  • Thomson

    Thomas also discovered a method when separating different types of atoms and molecules. He used positive rays to do this. J.J Thomas gave many lectures to big universities, which meant that his discoveries were being taught. Thomas also went to America to give lectures about the structure of an atom.He also wrote many books and was included in many books as well.
  • Thomson

    J.J Thomas was born on December 18th 1856 in cheetham. He died on august 30th 1940.J.J Thomas was the first scientist to discover the electron.Thomas’ atomic theory proved that the electron (which he discovered) could be seen, which meant that atoms were also able to been seen and were no longer referred to as invisible.
  • Thomson

    Thomson had a son (Emeritus) Emeritus was the professor of Physics at London University. He was also awarded the Nobel prize in 1973.Thomson had an early interest in the atomic structure that showed in his Treatise on the Motion of vortex rings. In 1884 his Treatise on the Motion of vortex rings won Thomas the Adams prize. In 1892 he had his Notes on recent researches in electricity and magnetism published, an his Application of dynamics to physics and chemistry appeared in 1886.
  • Planck

    Planck was born of the 23rd of April 1858 in Kiel, Germany. Planck died on the 4th of October 1947 in Gottingen in GermanyPlanck stated, in 1900, that energy is radiated in discrete, small units. He called these quanta.Max Planck found out that the correct mathematical connection distribution called a spectrum only depended on the temperature.Max Planck is the originator of the quantum theory.Planck was a German physicist.
  • Planck

    To other scientist Planck’s theory was confusing and did not make sense but this theory provided a new understanding of the structure of light and radiation.During the Nazi era during world war one his home was destroyed along with important documents on Planck’s work. After the war and bombings the head Germany scientific organisation (The Kaiser Wihelm Society for the Advancement of Science) was later named the Max Planck society after his tremendous work, discovery’s and theories.
  • Rutherford

    Rutherford was born on the 30th of august 1871, in Nelson, New Zealand. Rutherford died in Cambridge on October 19th 1937. Rutherford changed the idea that an atom was a single particle, when instead he created a physical atomic model that an atom consists of a central charge (nucleus).The word nucleus came around after Rutherford’s idea was presented.
  • Rutherford

    Rutherford is famous for his ‘gold foil experiment’. The gold foil experiment is the way Rutherford proved himself and others wrong in that the particles in an atom aren’t spread around the atom, when in fact the particles are in the middle in a ‘bundle’.
  • Rutherford

    Rutherford was expecting that a lot of particles would bounce of the gold foil that would prove that an atom didn’t have a lot of space inside because the particles inside took up a lot of room. But instead only a few did because the particles aren’t spread out.Rutherford is often referred to as the father of nuclear physics because of his studies and experiments
  • Rutherford

    Rutherford was born on the 30th of august 1871, in Nelson, New Zealand. Rutherford died in Cambridge on October 19th 1937. Rutherford changed the idea that an atom was a single particle, when instead he created a physical atomic model that an atom consists of a central charge (nucleus).The word nucleus came around after Rutherford’s idea was presented.
  • Hahn

    Otto Hahn was born on the 8th of March 1879 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Hahn died on the 28th of July 1968 in Gottingen, Germany.Hahn was a German physical chemist and also a Nobel laureate. But amongst that Hahn is best known for his contribution to our understanding in the field of radioactivity. He was one of the very first scientists to suggest new things about radioactivity and radiochemistry.In 1944 Hahn discovered nuclear fission, which won Hahn the Nobel prize in chemistry.
  • Hahn

    Hahn is sometimes referred to as ‘the father of nuclear chemistry’ or the ‘founder of the atomic age’ based upon his breakthroughs.Hahn worked in London and also at McGill University (discovering radioactinium) under Ernest Rutherford. When Hahn was in Germany in 1938 with Fritz Strassmann he discovered fission of uranium and thorium. Even though he discovered fission Hahn was not apart of Germanys atomic bomb program
  • Schrodinger

    Schrodinger was born on the 12th of August 1887 in Vienna, Austria. Schrodinger died on the 4th of January 1961 in Vienna, Austria.Schrodinger explained the movement of an electron in an atom, as a sort of wave.
  • Schrodinger

    To describe the location and energy level of an electron, Schrodinger used mathematical equations. He created the atomic model that is widely used today in fact it is the most widely used piece of mathematics in todays quantum theory. It suggests a non-relativistic wave equation that conducts how electrons act inside the hydrogen atom.Schrodinger also suggested the wave theory of matter.
  • Schrodinger

    Schrodinger was an Austrian physicist, and for that he won the Nobel prize for physics in 1933.Schrodinger wrote a lot about the history of science and the existential questions of life. He worked on analytical mechanics, atomic spectroscopy, colour theory, cosmology, electromagnetic theory, and radiation theory to name a few. Schrodinger is famous for his wave equation.
  • Chadwick

    Chadwick studied at the University of Manchester as well as the university of Cambridge. He worked in the Manhattan Project un the united states. In 1945 he was knighted for achievements in physics.Chadwick is known for the discovery of the neutron. The word neutron is based upon the fact that it has a lack in electric charge.Ernest Rutherford and Hans Geiger were 2 of his academic advisors.In 1935 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics and in 1951 he was awarded the Franklin Medal.
  • Chadwick

    James Chadwick was born on the 20th of October in 1891 Manchester, England. Chadwick died on the 24th of July 1974 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Chadwick was a British physicist. Chadwick measured the energy of protons emerging from hydrogen atoms.In 1932 he discovered the ‘neutron’. In an atom the neutron stabilizes he protons. The neutrons and protons are found in the middle/ nucleus of an atom. Without neutrons, protons would repel each other, but neautron stablilizes it.
  • Gell

    In 1964 Murray Gell further explored the Eightfold way and soon proposed the existence of a new level of elementary particles. He called these new elementary particles Quarks.By explain with a quantum number Gell developed the concept of strangeness for particles.When Gell was young he studied under Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi.
  • Gell

    Murray Gell was born on the 15th of September 1929 in new york city.Gell was an American physicist famous for his classification of subatomic particles and his proposal of the existence of quarks.The method for classifying all the particles kwon was developed by Gell and Yuval Ne’man. This method has become to be known as the Eightfold way. The Eightfold way is like a periodic table. What the periodic table does for the elements, is what the Eightfold way does for the particles.
  • Aristotle

    He came up with a theory that suggests that matter is made up of four elements, which are… Earth, Air, Water and Fire. There were also four qualities, which were… Dryness, Hotness, Coldness and Moistness. Fire was dry but hot. Water was moist and cold and so on.
  • Aristotle

    Aristotle’s theory also had two forces, which were Conflict and Harmony. Conflict was suggested to cause bad things which meant that harmony was suggested to cause good things.
  • Aristotle

    Aristotle was born in 384 BC in Stagira, Chalcidice, Greece. Aristotle died in 322 BC Chalice, Euboea, Greece.Aristotle supplied us with more understanding and knowledge about natural science which includes physics and also gives us a lot of information on things such as astronomy, meteorology, plants and animals.
  • Aristotle

    The ancient Greek theory of atoms is that atoms are different sizes, regular geometric shapes and they are always in constantly moving. However Aristotle didn’t agree. Aristotle didn’t think that atoms could be constantly moving in a void.
  • Aristotle

    Aristotle had a lot of different theories about the world. Another was that he believed that the heavens were made up of and consisted of a filth, a superior element named aither. This theory was used for almost 2000 years! This theory was used until after the scientific revolution when other theories were suggested.