Democritus Dies
Democritus came to the conclusion that is you keep cutting something it cannot be cut anymore.
Democritus thought that all matter is composed of indivisible elements.
Democritus is born
Period: 460 to
Atom History
Antoine Lavoisier born
John Dalton was born
Lavoisier proposed the Combustion Theory
John Dalton began teaching at age 12
Antoine Lavoisier died
Lavoisier convicted of treason
John Dalton developed the concept of the mole
J. J. Thomson is born
Marie Curie is born
Robert Millikan born
Ernest Rutherford is born
John Dalton died
Max Planck was born
Niels Bohr is born
James Chadwick born
Robert Millikan started Columbia Univeristy
Ernest Rutherford started Cambridge University
Marie Curie discovered radium and polonium
J.J. Thomson discovered all atoms have electrons
Max Planck Came up with the equation to find the energy of an atom
Werner Heisenberg is born
Marie Curie is awarded the Nobel Prize
J.J. Thomson is awarded the Nobel Prize
Robert Millikan discovered the charge of an electron.
Described the atom as having a central nucleus surrounded by negative orbiting electrons. -
Ernest Rutherford discovery
Described the atom as having a central nucleus surrounded by negative orbiting electrons. -
Max Planck married
Niels Bohr's discovery
Alll electrons travel in stationary orbits defined by their momentum. -
Werener Heisenburg said, "We cannot always assign to an electron a position in space at a given time, nor follow it in its orbit."
"We cannot always assign to an electron a position in space at a given time, nor follow it in its orbit." -
James Chadwick discovered nuetrally-charged atoms
Marie Curie died
Ernest Rutherford dies
J. J. Thomson died
Max Planck died
Robert Millikan died
Niels Bohr dies
Werner Heisenberg dies