History of the Atom

  • 460 BCE


    Democritus was a Greek philosopher born in Abdera, Thrace. He later became one of the first to compose the atomic theory along with his mentor Leucippus.
  • Period: 400 to 370

    Democritus - Early Develelopement of the Atomic Theory

    In Democritus theory he stated that all matter and the universe is composed of tiny, hard, and indivisible particles he called atoms. Overall Democritus did not have much evidence or experiments to back up his work . One of the ideas he reason on was, if someone continued to cut a rock in small and even smaller pieces it would eventually be so tiny that it could not be broken down anymore.
  • Period: 400 to 370

    Democritus (continued)

    After this experiment Democritus knew that these particles called atoms were indestructible and eternal. He was also accredited for illustrating and distinguishing atoms by their size, shape, and arrangement of their parts. Democritus dies around 370 BCE but made a large contribution to modern science with his ideas on the atomic theory.
  • Period: 492 to 432


    Empedocles was a Greek philosopher and scientist who argued that all matter is composed of fire, water, air, and earth.