John Dalton's Atomic Theory
In 1803 John Dalton created his Atomic Theory. It stated that all matter was composed of atoms, and that atoms are small, indivisible particles. -
Michael Faraday
Michael Faraday created the two laws of electrolysis. -
Cathode Ray Tubes
J. Plucker creates one of the first cathode ray tubes. -
Dmitri Mendeleev
He created organized the elements into 7 groups according to properties. This is known as the Periodic Law. -
Sir William Crooks
Discovered cathode rays had certain properties such as they travel in a straight line and the impart a negative charge on an impacted item. -
G.J. Stoney proposed electricity contained negatively charged particles he called electrons. -
Wilhelm Roentgen
Wilhelm Roentgen found that chemicals near the cathode ray tubes glowed. He named them X-rays. -
J.J. Thompson
J.J. Thompson discovered the mass to charge ratio of an electorn using a cathode ray tube. -
Rutherford discovered radiation emmitted from uranium and thorium. He named them alpha and beta. -
Marie Sklodowska Curie
Marie Sklodowska Curie discovered radioactivty. She beleived it was the decay proccess of uranium and thorium -
Soddy discovered half lives. He also made calculations on energy released during decay. -
Nagaoka came up with the "Saturnian" model of an atom. It consisted of electrons orbiting a positively charged particle on a flat plane. -
R.A. Millikan
R.A. Millikan calculated the mass and charge of an elctron. -
Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus was a very small, very dense, positively charged center of an atom. -
H.G.J. Moseley
H.G.J. Moseley discovered that the atomic number of an element is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus using x-ray tubes. -
The neutron is discovered by James Chadwick using alpha particles.