Democritus was born in 460 BCE in Abdera and died in 370 BCE. Leucippus, another Greek philosopher, influenced Democritius and said that ‘Nothing can come from nothing’ and therefor came up with the idea of a rounded ball that he called atom. This discovery changed the way scientist 1000+ years later would look upon the world.
Leucippus was born in Abdera but the dates of his birth and death are unknown.Leucippus was influenced by Zeno Of Elea, (Zeno’s Paradox),Leucippus was one of the first people to invent the idea of Atomism. That everything is made of indestructible objects called elements. This discovery changed the way scientist 1000+ years later would look upon the world.
John Dalton
Born in 1766 and died 1843 (Aged 77), John Dalton’s influence was Democritus and his work in atomic theory and ended up finding that there is a point where things can’t be broken down further a point where matter is not broken down into anything smaller, aka: atoms, tiny particles.This discovery changed the way scientists think of atoms as indestructible. -
William Crookes
William Crookes was born in 1832 on the 17th of June in London and died 1919 on the 4th of April in London. William Crookes was noted with the discovery of Thallium. This discovery changed the way that scientists look at the periodic table. -
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes was born on the 21st of September 1853 in Groningen and died on the 21st of February, 1926 in Leiden, Onnes was influenced by a Frenchman Geo Washington. Onnes established the refrigeration ideas and liquefied helium first. Plus he assisted in the Quantum Mechanical model of the atom. This discovery changed the way that scientist look upon the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom. -
JJ Thompson
JJ Thompson was born on the 18th of December 1856 in Cheetham Hill and died on august 30th, 1940 in Cambridge.Both William Prout and Norman Lockyer influenced JJ Thompson, and he (JJ Thompson) is recognised with the discovery of isotopes and the electrons in and about atoms.This discovery changed the way that people look upon the atom as it can not be just one version of itself. -
Max Planck
Max Planck was born April 23rd, 1858 in Kiel and died October 4th, 1947 in Germany. Albert Einstein influenced Max Planck. Max was the originator of the ideas of quantum atomic theory. This discovery changed the way that scientist look upon the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom as he is the creator of this theory. -
Madame Curie
Madame Curie was born in Warsaw on the 7th of November 1867 and died in France July the 4th 1934. Madame Curie influence was her father, Vladyslaw Sklodowski, Madame Curie found that radiation found from atoms was not dependent on the arrangement of atoms but in the core of the atoms them selves. This discovery changed the way that scientists look upon radiation from atoms. -
Ernest Rutherford
Rutherford was born on the 30th of august, 1871 in Brightwater and died on the 19th of October, 1937 in Cambridge. Came up with the idea that atoms were engulfed by nothing but space. Ernest Rutherford had been influenced by both Prof. Alexander Bickerton and Sir Robert Ball. This discovery changed the way that scientist look at atoms not as small and enclosed, but massive and spacious. -
Albert Einstien
Albert Einstien Was born on the 14th of march 1879 in Ulm and died on the 18th of april 1955, in Princeton. Albert Einstien was influenced by Ernest Mach, who was an experimental physicist. He assisted in the making of the Quantum Mechanical model of the Atom plus the equation E=MC2 which aids in modern physics. This discovery changed the way that scientist look upon the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom. -
Neil's Bohr
Neil’s Bohr was born in October 7th 1885 in Copenhagen and died on November 18th 1962 in Copenhagen. Niel’s bohr made significant contributions in considering the structure of the atom and invented the bohr model. Soren Kierkegaard influenced Neils Bohr and his work into atomic theory. This discovery changed the way that scientist and people alike know about the atom and its movements. -
Erwin Schrodinger
Erwin Schrodinger was born on the 12th of august 1887, Vienna and died on the 4th of January 1961, Vienna.Schrodinger, only in his first year, familiarised himself with the ideas and help of Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Arnold Sommerfeld and more which helped him on his work as well. Came up with Schrodinger’s cat and assisted in the Quantum Mechanical model. This discovery changed the way that scientist look upon the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom. -
Henry Moseley
Henry Moseley was born 23th of November, 1887 in the UK and died 10th of August 1915 in Gallipoli, he was aged 27. Moseley’s influence was Ernest Rutherford. Moseley is credited with the creation of Atomic numbers. This discovery changed the way that scientists look at the periodic table as they can see this information. -
Werner Heisenberg
Werner Heisenberg was born in 1901 the 5th of December and died in 1976 the 1st of February. Heisenberg’s influence was the idea of Quantum Mechanics which helped the development of atomic model’s. Heisenberg founded the Uncertainty Principle, that the exact location of an electron cannot be determined. This discovery changed the way that scientists look at the electrons situated in atoms. -
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton was born in 1943 on the 25th of December and died in 1727 on the 20th of March. Newtons influences are, Johannes Kepier, Henry More, Polish Brethren and Robert Boyle. Isaac Newton created the theory that planets don’t follow closed paths but instead found that it was attraction that held us in motion (Newtonian Planetary System). He then scaled this down to fit to the situation of an atom. This discovery made scientists see that the solar system acts like an atom.