Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton gave future scientists the tools to discover how to enter space. He discovered gravitational force and established the three Universal Laws of Motion. He was the first scientist to propose a set of laws that described the motion of all things in the universe. -
John Dalton
John Dalton believed that atoms of the same element were the same and that it was impossible for a specific atom of an element to transfer into another atom of another element. Part of his atomic theory was that atoms of a specific element had certain characteristics. He was the scientist that stated that there were three kinds of atoms, which were 1) Simple elements, 2) compounds, simple molecules and 3) complex molecules. -
J.J. Thomson
J.J Thomson discovered the electron. He figured out that electrons have a negative charge. He introduced the pudding model which showed that all the particles were stuck together which leads other scientists to investigate deeper into it. -
The Curies (Pierre and Marie)
The curies developed on the discovery of radioactivity which was first discovered by Henri Becquerel. They found out the radiation of all compounds containing the known radioactive elements, including uranium and thorium, which they later discovered was also radioactive. -
Robert Millikan
Millikan's experiments led to the discovery of involved electrical charges being carried by electrons. Millikan also discovered the mass and charge of the electron. He used the Oil Drop experiment to determine this. -
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford basically discovered the necules. Ernest Rutherford was a nuclear physicist, he discovered that the atom was not the smallest unit of mass. He also discovered that atoms contained a nucleus, made of protons, neutrons and electrons. -
Neils Bohr
Niels Bohr wanted to learn more about Ernest Rutherford’s theory of electrons and their orbit. He created an atomic structure model based on the rings of Saturn to describe the orbit of the different particles of an atom. He found out that the outer rings could hold more electrons than the inner rings. Bohr determined that the nucleus is a compound structure. Bohr got all his ideas from Ernest Rutherford. -
Irving Langmuir
Irving Langmuir was an American chemist and physicist who invented the gas-filled incandescent lamp and the hydrogen welding technique. He is mainly known for also inventing the diffusion pump which led to the invention of the high-vacuum tube. In 1924, he also invented the diagnostic method of measuring both temperature and density using an electrostatic probe, Langmuir probe, that's commonly used in plasma physics. -
Werner Heisenberg
Hesisenberg discovered that not all the parts of an atom could be determined. He basically studied how atoms move and determining their location. He also discovered that it’s impossible to know where an electron will be. -
Erwin Schrodinger
Erwin wanted to try and prove Neils Bohr model incorrect. He discovered the electron cloud model theory and made the schrodinger equation which is the foundation for the quatum mechanics in its wave formation. -
James Chadwick
James Chadwik discovered the neutron. He decided to name it “neutron” because it didn’t have enough electric charge therefore its charge was neutral. -
Linus Pauling
Linus Pauling discovered the structure of proteins, in particular the most important part, the alpha helix chain. He is considered to be one of the first to apply the new quantum mechanical views of physics to problems of chemistry.