Federation in Australia. Government declares "Blacks and aborigines not counted.." Any race other than Aboriginal are eligible for legislation -
NSW Aboriginal Protection Act
Aboriginal children are not allowed to go to the same schools as the whites. Half casts were illlegal to live on reserves. Segregation prevented much interaction between whites and blacks. -
Period: to
Stolen Generations
Aboriginals involved in WWI
Aboriginal people serve in the war despite the Defence Act 1909 which prohibits any person not of ‘substantially European’ origin from serving. Aboriginal soldiers are among Australian troops at Gallipoli. -
Assimilation Policy
Conference of Commonwealth and State Authorities called by the federal government decides that the official policy for some Aboriginal people is assimilation policy. Aboriginal people of mixed descent are to be assimilated into white society whether they want to be or not. Those not living tribally are to be educated and all others are to stay on reserves. -
Day of Mourning
The Aboriginal's Day of Mourning or now referred to as Invasion Day. This day marks the time when the First fleet arrived at Australia's borders and invaded the land by storm. -
1967 Referendum
The Holt Government called for this referendum to change the laws and approve the proposed law of Aboriginals counted as part of the population. 90.77% of Australia voted for this law and it was supported by 6 states. -
The Referendum becomes Law
The 1967 Referendum (aka the vote on Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal People) 1967) was made official law by the Government -
Self Determination Policy
Aboriginals were now free to support themselves culturally and choose their own way of life. The white Asutralia policy was discarded. -
Mabo Day
It commemorates Eddie Koiki Mabo (c. 29 June 1936–21 January 1992) [1][2] a Torres Strait Islander whose campaign for Indigenous land rights led to a landmark decision of the High Court of Australia that, on 3 June 1992, overturned the legal fiction of terra nullius which had characterised Australian law with regards to land and title since the voyage of James Cook in 1770. -
Apology to Australia's Indigenous People
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivers a 4 min 3 sec apology to the Aborigines