History of Technology Project

By edwxrd
  • First Electronic TV

    Created by Philo Farnsworth
  • First Computer

  • FIrst Military Computer

    ENIAC was the first electronic general purpose computer
  • Computer chip

    Jack Kilby created the computer chip
  • Data phone

    First commercial modem designed by AT&T
  • First computer with keyboard & mouse

    This was created by Douglas Engelbart
  • First email sent

    Was created and sent by Ray Timiinson
  • Ethernet

    Ethernet was introduced by Robert Metcalfe
  • First Laptop

    Toshiba T1100 created by Toshiba
  • WIndows 1.0

    Microsoft sold Windows 1.0 for 100 dollars
  • First Web Browser

    Mosiac was released as the first commercial web browser
  • First "smartphone"

    Created by the company BellSouth under the name Simon Personal Communicator
  • FIrst iPod

    Appe releases the most popular MP3 player in the world known as the iPod.
  • First Youtube Video

    A site that was and still is popular today was created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim.
  • First Gen iPhone

    Created by Apple, was released as the most popular smart phone and continues to grow.