2000 BCE
first calculator
In the very beginning of the =mechanical age, of course was the abacus, a sort of hand operated mechanical calculator using beads on rods, first used by Sumerians and Egyptians around 2000 BC. -
1100 BCE
first gun
It all started in China, where gunpowder was first created. In the ninth century, alchemists blended charcoal, saltpeter and sulfur into a powder called huo yao, which was used to treat skin infections [source: Kit Meng]. Armies quickly learned the powder could be used in bombs, mines and other weapons [source: McLean Brevard]. Gunpowder was transported to Europe in the 13th century, likely over the Silk Road trade routes through central Asia. Rival nations refined gunpowder . -
sun glasses
The first vision aid, called a reading stone, was invented around 1000 AD. -
create of the microscope
Early microscopes were made in Middelburg, The Netherlands in 1590 by Zacharias and Hans Jansen and Hans Lippershey. -
the invention of the telescope
Telescope Dutch eyeglass maker named Hans Lippershey (or Lipperhey). In 1608, invented. -
first public library
The first public library was founded in the London Guildhall in 1425. It did not have one specific inventor. -
created by Charles Babbage in 1822. -
music player.
The first device for playing music was the phonograph. It was invented by Thomas Edison, in 1877 -
tricycle first car creat by Karl Benz -
The Xbox game console in 1998 was created for first time then the xbox360 was created to Also the Xbox one was created in 2015, all off this was create by nick barrik and some other persons. -
first book
Two thousand years ago parchment or papyrus pages of written works were all stitched together end to end into a long roll wound around a wooden or metal bar. it dont have a espesific inventor.