Technology progression in the 1980's(Millennial)

  • MTV

    MTV set the stage for music videos. MTV increased the amount of music consumed by the public.
  • Compact Disk

    Compact Disk
    When the CD was invented, it provided a clearer listening experience. The CD had a better audio quality than its predecessors.
  • Camcorder

    The camcorder was a video recorder with a VCR built in. The camcorder allowed for people to record videos to watch later.
  • Apple Created the Graphical User Interface

    Apple Created the Graphical User Interface
    Apple created the Macintosh. The Macintosh included the first GUI. The GUI changed how the computer worked. It introduced many new features that had previously not existed in computers.
  • Disposable camera

    Disposable camera
    The disposable camera was invented in 1986. The disposable camera made photography much more available for the public.