begining of tattoos/ body art/ Henna
tattoos begin thousands of years ago, but started out as something called Henna tattoos. a Henna tattoo is drawing on the skin with certin ink, and do not involve needles. -
Period: 300 to
tattoo time span
300 B.C to present day -
306 B.C tattos banned
in 306 B.C, tattoos were banned in the Constantine empire by emporer constantine himself because they were against christianity. -
Jan 1, 1000
henna tattoos
henna tattoos began to spread in india at first, then spread throughout china and the rest of the world. -
meji japanese outlawed tattoos
Modern Meji Japanese make tattoos illegal because they believe tattoos were a sign of evil. -
Sailors and soldiers glorify tattoos
Sailors and soldiers glorified tattoos while tattoos became more and more popular in Europe in the 18th century. -
first tattoo shops
The first ever tattoo shops and studios developed in 1800 in america and europe. -
first tattoo machine
Samuel O'reily was a New York tattoo artist and inventor of the modern rotary tattoo machine. -
holocaust tattoos
Jews were branded/ tattooed with numbers that represented "names" in concentraion camps. -
hippie era
Hippie movement took place and tattoo popularity sky rocketed. -
disease outbreak
After the Hippie phase left, a ton of diseases stayed behind. The cause for these diseases was thought to be tattoooing (needles not being starile), so New York soon Outlawed tattoos after the Hepatitis outbreak. -
present day
Since then, tattoos are still frowned upon in todays society because people associate tattoos with evil, prison, and gangs. In present day, it is hard to find employment as it is, and with tattoos, it makes it a lot harder. most businesses think tattoos are not professional looking, so they look down on those who have them. i hope someday we can live in a society where it doesnt matter how you express yourself.