Mario makes his first appearance.
The famous arcade game Donkey Kong is released on July 9, 1981, in Japan. The object of the game is as Jumpman, who would later be confirmed as Mario, you must save Pauline from the clutches of Donkey Kong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donkey_Kong_(video_game) -
Mario's first stand alone game.
Mario Bros. was brought to arcades in North America and Japan in July of 1983. The game follows to plumbers, Mario and Luigi, as they travel through New York ridding the sewers of monsters.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Bros. -
The Invention of the SNES
As the Super Nintendo Entertainment System was invented one of its launch games was Super Mario World. The 16-bit SNES allowed for Nintendo to bring the game to life, as Nintendo was able to have existentially more color combinations than on the NES. https://petapixel.com/2017/09/06/8-bit-vs-16-bit-photos-heres-difference/#:~:text=In%20terms%20of%20color%2C%20an,bit%20image%20can%20hold%2028%2C000%2C000%2C000.&text=In%20the%20end%2C%20it%20depends,handle%20processing%20the%20larger%20images. -
Nintendo 64 Introduced With 64 Bit
The 64-bit chip in the Nintendo 64 allowed for games such as Mario Kart 64, Mario 64, and Mario Party 3. These games would take advantage of the 64-bit capabilities of allowing for 3-D games. -
RISC Processor
The N64 used a RISC processor which made it possible for them to accomplish more things with writing less code.https://electronics.howstuffworks.com/n64.htm#:~:text=Nintendo%2064%20uses%20a%20customized%20chip%20system.&text=%5BBe%20sure%20to%20check%20out,general%20introduction%20to%20game%20consoles.%5D&text=Co%2DProcessor%3A%20%22Reality%20Co,the%20graphics%20and%20audio%20systems.&text=Similar%20to%20the%20PlayStation%2C%20the,N64%20is%20a%20RISC%20processor. -
Online Multiplayer Comes to GBA
The Game Boy Advanced allowed for online multiplayer with the help from a computer. Using the link cable you are able to send the code from the Gameboy Advance to the computer. This allowed for people to play Mario Kart Super Circuit. -
Wireless Software Updates
The Nintendo DS was the first Nintendo device able to update its software from an internet connection. This allowed for Nintendo to fix bugs and glitches -
Code for 3D
Super Mario 3D Land is released to the Nintendo 3DS it uses the code programmed into its software to show the game in a 3-dimensional state.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_3DS_system_software#:~:text=The%20Nintendo%203DS%20system%20software,and%20remove%20features%20and%20software. -
Play WII Games on WII U
Almost a year after being released Nintendo updates the software of the WII U so it can play games of the previous console the WII. https://www.mcvuk.com/business-news/consoles/you-can-now-play-wii-games-on-the-wii-u-gamepad-with-a-catch/ -
Old Dog Learns New Tricks
Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy are all being brought back to the Nintendo Switch where they will be able to take advantage of its Nvidea Driver. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Switch_system_software