History of Storage Devices

  • Punched Card

    -Card size was 7 3⁄8 in × 3 1⁄4 in (187.325 mm × 82.55 mm).
    -It was first used in textile factories to control looms.
    -loom factories
    -speed, increased efficiency
    -easily damaged
  • Drum Memory

    -20cm x 10cm 500.000 bit
    -memory storage of machines
    -large corporations
    -speed, increased efficiency, no moving parts
    -very heavy
  • 8" Floppy Disk

    -8” 79.7kb
    -So the first disks were designed for loading microcodes into the controller of the Merlin (IBM 3330)
    -the public for general storage
    -Portable, speed, re-writeable memory
    -large and fragile
  • Compact Disk (CD)

    • 11.5 cm 700Mb
    • Originally design to store digital audio
    • Public audio CD
    • No moving parts, speed, small
    • Fragile,
  • Jazz Disk

    -10cm 1GB
    -Where made for home users
    -Used by the public for storage and the transfer of data
    -Large and fragile
  • USB Flash Drive

    -Aka USB stick,
    -When it was created, there was a product which could only hold 8MB of data, not they can hold a max of 1Tb
    -USB 1.0 1.5 Mb/s
    -USB 2.0 12 Mb/s (Roughly 10x faster then USB 1.0) 2008
    -USB 3.0 150 Mb/s(Roughly 10x faster then USB 2.0) 2012
  • Blueray Disk

    • Single density=25Gb
    • Double density=50Gb
    • Requires it’s own player/reader, other than the standard disk reader,
    • Can be expensive,
    • Roughly £6 per disk,
    • Used for 720/1080p Films (HD)
    • 4.5Mb/s
  • Cloud Storage

    • Online storage,
    • All information is stored on a hard drive in a different location (off-site) and then accessed online,
    • This can be vulnerable to hacks as the data can be accessed from anywhere in the world as long as they have the right user and password,
    • This has a practically infinite storage capability, as you can connect many HDD’s together,
    • Can be used to store anything from a document to media like films,
    • Advantage, can’t get stolen if someone steals from your house,