History of Special Education

  • The National Association for the Education of Deaf-Mutes

    formed to address the educational needs of deaf-blind individuals.
  • he Smith-Sears Veterans Rehabilitation Act is enacted,

    he Smith-Sears Veterans Rehabilitation Act is enacted,
    offering vocational training and educational services to World War I veterans with disabilities, setting a precedent for educational services for disabled individuals.
  • The landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education

    This ruling lays the groundwork for the inclusion of students with disabilities in the broader educational system.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    Signed into law, which provides federal funding to improve educational opportunities, including for students with disabilities.
  • Amendments to the Education for the Handicapped Act

    Amendments to the Education for the Handicapped Act
    expand services to include early intervention programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities, as well as their families.
  • 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    504 of the Rehabilitation Act
    prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities in programs receiving federal financial assistance.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court in Daniel R.R. v. State Board of Education

    The U.S. Supreme Court in Daniel R.R. v. State Board of Education
    supports the principle of mainstreaming, affirming that students with disabilities should be educated in regular classrooms when appropriate.
  • IDEA is reauthorized

    IDEA is reauthorized
    planning from school to adulthood and an increased focus on integrating students with disabilities into general education classrooms.
  • The No Child Left Behind Act

    The No Child Left Behind Act
    including provisions that mandate accountability for the academic progress of students with disabilities, and require schools to meet specific educational benchmarks
  • The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
    continuing the focus on educational equity, including for students with disabilities, while giving states more flexibility in how they achieve educational goals.