History of Special Education

By greyes3
  • Rowley v Hendrick: Hudson School District

    It was decided that schools must provide aid to students with disabilities to benefit from instruction.
  • Smith v Robinson

    Parents are able to get their money back from legal fees when they win a case when it results from special education litigation.
  • Burlington School Committee v Department of Education

    In certain situations, if public schools don't provide FAPE they might have to provide for private school placements
  • Honig v Doe

    Students with behavioral issues due to their disability has a right to education and can't be declined
  • Zobrest v Catalina: Foothills School District

    Having the right to pay for an ASL interpreter is allowed at a parochial school and it doesn't violate any preexisting laws/terms
  • Cedar Rapids School District v Garret F

    It is necessary for health attendants to be at schools to help maintain students in educational programs
  • Forest Grove School District v T.A

    The parents were paying for their child’s education, but he wasn’t getting the special education and support that he needed so they wanted their money back because the school did not provide an FAPE for him.
  • Endrew F v Douglas: Country School District

    There was a boy that had autism and the school only allowed him to have the bare minimum from the IEP. Eventually it was decided that he could have a retrial and it ended in his favor.