history of space fligt

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    There are two types of rokets used to get spacecraftinto space. Solid-Fuel rockets, also called "roket motors", have been used to launch fireworks and small military rokets.
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    people have always wondered what it would be like to voyage out the voyage out into the unknown reaches of space
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    Robert Goddard, "the Father of Modern Rocketry," invented the liquid-fuel rocket.
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    Wernher von Braun, German researchers designed and built the V-2 ballastic missile, on one of the first modern rockets.
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    The Soviet Union launched SPUTNIK1, the first artificial object to orbit the earth.
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    The United States responded withits first satellite, a 31-pound craft named Explorer1.
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    Vostok and Mercury, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to travel in space when he made a single orbit around the earth in his Vostok1 spacecraft.
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    Alan Shephard, became America's first person in space whith a fifteen-minute suborbital hop in the Freedom7 Mercury spacecraft.
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    John Glenn in the Friendship7 Mercury spacecraft became the first American to orbit the earth
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    Valentina Tereshkova, thr pilot of Vostok6, became the first woman to fly in space.
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    The Soviet accomplished another first by launching three cosmonauts aboard a single spacecraft, Voshod1.
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    America responded to the Voskhod program with the Gemini program, a series of ten manned space flihgts.
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    NASA conducted five more successful Apollo moon landings between 1969 and 1972.
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    Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set foot on another world.
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    Apollo CSM Columbiaorbited the moon.
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    The USSR launched Salyut1.
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    The last astronaut to visit the moon boarded the LM Challenger
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    The United States launched its first space station, Skylab.