Computer software

History of software

By Andy T.
  • First software

    First software
    The first "software" was created by Alan Turning.
  • The very first time a stored-program computer

    The very first time a stored-program computer
    It was at the university of Manchester and it was written by Tom Kilburn.
  • Assembly Language

    Assembly Language
    Kathleen Booth developed Assembly Language to make it easier to program the computers she worked on at Birkbeck College, University of London.
  • Invention of the first computer compiler

    Invention of the first computer compiler
    Grace Hopper and her team created the first computer compiler. Hopper was involved in the creation of UNIVAC, the first all-electronic digital computer.
  • Did you know?...

    Did you know?...
    Did you know that Grace Hopper also developed the programming language FLOW-MATIC to program the UNIVAC.
  • The most popular software

    The most popular software
    The most popular software in the world is google. It was created in Menlo Park, California, United States.