history of slavery in usa

  • debut of slavery in America

  • Period: to

    abolition of slavery in all the northern states

  • Period: to

    independance War

  • new constitution

  • slave rebellion gabriel Prosser

  • slave rebellion Denmark Vesey

  • Period: to

    abolitionist movement

  • most famous slave rebellion Nat Turner

    70 slave kill 65 white people
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    freed 4 millions slaves
  • emancipation decree / end of slavery

    Abraham Lincoln says that on January 1, 1863 there will be no more slavery
  • official end of slavery

  • Thirteenth Amendment

    no more slavery
  • Period: to


  • fourteenth amendment

    legal protection
  • fiveteenth amendments

    right to vote
  • Period: to

    civic rights