Jan 1, 1400
Import African Slaves
Portuguese began importing significant numbers of black African slaves into Libon via Atlantic -
Period: Jan 1, 1453 to
Early Slavery
Sep 19, 1453
Christian Europe Cutoff
Ottomen turks capture Constantinople, Christian Europe cut off major source of slaves -
Sep 19, 1500
Early Problem
Unto the early 16th century England's population grew by over a third more than it's economy so ato address the the crime and population, -
Sep 19, 1530
Indian slavery
Portuguese and Brazil relied on Indian slave labor to produce sugar -
Sep 19, 1547
Branded Slaves
Enslaved persistent vagabonds and branded them with the letter "S" -
Sep 19, 1550
Headed to the New World
9 million Africans left to the New World -
Racists Thoughts Arise
Europeans held deeply racist sendiments before the establishment of slavery. Claimed negroes were the descendants of Noah's son Ham who was cursed by having a black offspring.