Skype comes out on Linux
The first release of Skype came out on Linux. That was not the time it was created but it was the first release to the public only on Linux not on Mac or Windows or any other computer. -
Period: to
Skype came out on Mac OS X and Windows!
Skype came out on Mac and Windows close to the same time for the public so it became available for all the major computers. They did not come out on the exact same time though Mac came out on February 19, 2006 and It came out on Windows on December 15, 2007. -
Skype gets millions and millions online users
Skype reached 27 million online users over the world which was its recordd at that time it was also the biggest expand of users in a year at that time. -
Skypes record is broken again and again
Skypes previous record was broken again with 29 million online users
and again on March 28 with 30 million online users and one more time with 36 million users in 2012. -
What I think Skype will look like in the future
As of today Skype has more than 70 million online users and I think in the future Skype will have more options in video chat and much more users. -
Works Cited
Aamoth, Doug, and Doug Aamoth. "A Brief History of Skype | TIME.com." Time. Time, 10 May 2011. Web. 01 Nov. 2012. http://techland.time.com/2011/05/10/a-brief-history-of-skype/.
Barnett, Emma. "Pictures." Pictures. Technology News, 05 May 2010. Web. 01 Nov. 2012. http://www.picsearch.com/imageDetail.cgi?id=aSGBm0L69ei4MTHW8RRir2KNU0vH1oqGpIMEcIsdbtE.
"Skype." Wikipedia. Ed. Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Feb. 2012. Web. 01 Nov. 2012. <http://en.wikipedi