
History of School Library Media Centers

  • First professionally trained school librarian

    First professionally trained school librarian
    Slow growth in trained library staff after that. Libraries started to be seen as classrooms.
  • "Of the 10,000 public high schools in the country at the present time, not more than 250 posess collections containing 3,000 volumes or over" --Edward D. Greenman

    "Of the 10,000 public high schools in the country at the present time, not more than 250 posess collections containing 3,000 volumes or over"  --Edward D. Greenman
  • Period: to

    Call for accredited librarians at secondary schools

  • School Library Standards published for the first time

  • Sputnik satellite launched--inspires funding for new materials and teacher training

    Sputnik satellite launched--inspires funding for new materials and teacher training
    To keep America competitive during the Cold War, education got a big funding boost which benefitted school libraries.
  • Fewer than 50 percent of schools have libraries, says a report from the U.S. Office of Education

    Fewer than 50 percent of schools have libraries, says a report from the U.S. Office of Education
  • ESEA Act guarantees Title II funding for school libraries

    ESEA Act guarantees Title II funding for school libraries
  • Period: to

    Budget cuts say library media specialists not essential

    Credential requirements reviewed and many states deem credentials unnecessary for school library work
  • Omnibus Children and Youth Literacy Through Libraries Act

    Omnibus Children and Youth Literacy Through Libraries Act