San Carlos fundation
Outline of Artigas´ square
The cornestone of the church is laid
Sentry box fundation
The church is consecrated with the visit of the bisgop
English invasion
Inaguration of Artigas´ square
Cayetano Silva was born
Foundation of School N°3
Foundation of lavagna`s mill
The cornerstone of Alvariza Hospital is laid
Inaguration of the Church`s clock
The railway line is laid
Foundation of Oriental`s Club
Electricity arrives in the city
Foundation pf High school Nº1
Foundation of "La Democracia"
Inaguration of UTU
Inaguration of the water service
Foundation of "Sociedad Unión" Theatre
Inauguration of AFE
Foundation of Agraria`s School
Creation of choir "Danubio Fernandez
Foundation of School Nº13