400 BCE
First Robot
Long ago (around 400-350 BCE) a mathematician named Archytas made the first robot: a steam powered pigeon. -
Jan 1, 1495
Leonardo Da Vinci's Robot
Many years past and the development of Robots wasn't going much further than the steam powered pigeon. However, Leonardo Da Vinci thought of an idea: a knight that could attack on its own. -
The Robot Duck
Still long ago, a man named Jacques de Vaucanson made a life like duck that could supposedly eat, walk, flap its wings, and excrete its food. -
The Name Robot
In 1921, no one really knew what to call "robots" until a man of the name Karel Capek introduced the word "robot" in his play. (Robot means required labor in Czech.) -
During the 20th-century, people finally started to make movies about robots. However, the film that started it all was "Maria" the first movie to have a robot in it. (it was a film about how a robot destroyed humanity" -
Robot Three Laws
In 1940, Isaac Asimov wrote about robots. His most important thing that he wrote were the Three Laws of Robotics (A robot may not injure a human being. A robot must obey orders given it by human. A robot must protect its own existence. -
First Robotic Arm
During 1954, the first programmable robotic arm was created by two guys George Devol and Joe Engleberger -
Star Wars
Star Wars was created in 1977. It had C3PO, R2D2, etc... It made the long lasting image of what robots should look like. -
First Android
During 1986, Honda took one of the furthest steps in making a robot and released a walking android (human size) which would later progress (through many years until 2000) and be called Asimo. -
People eventually wanted to make robots that could play soccer. Eventually, they want to make a robot that can beat a pro soccer team, but that goal is further ahead in the future.