Hero Engine
The steam engine was invented by Hero of Alexandria around the years 10-70 AD. Even though the steam engine is not a rocket it shared the main principle behind rocket and jet propulsion. -
Steam, Sparks, Explosions, and Flight
A Greek philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer by the name of Archytas was said to have invented and used a bird-shaped device was propelled by a jet of steam or compressed air. The bird may have been suspended by a wire or mounted at the end of a bar that revolved around a pivot. This was first reported device to use rocket propulsion. -
Mar 27, 1232
Chinese Rocketry
The Chinese began a primitive form of gunpowder around the 1st Century A.D. A mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal dust produced smoke when ignited. Tubes of bamboo and leather were closed off at one end, and were packed with gunpowder. They were also used as rockets for fireworks and other military weapons to repel the Mongol invaders. -
Modern Rocketry Begins
In 1898, a Russian schoolteacher, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, proposed the idea of space exploration by rocket. In a report he published in 1903, Tsiolkovsky suggested the use of liquid propellants for rockets in order to achieve greater range. Tsiolkovsky stated that the speed and range of a rocket were limited only by the exhaust velocity of escaping gases. Due to his research, experiments, and successful conclusions has been called the father of modern astronautics. -
Modern Rocketry in the U.S.
An American named Robert H. Goddard, conducted experiments for rocketry during the Early 20th Century. In 1915, he used various types of solid fuels to measure the exhaust velocities of the burning gases; however, he became convinced that a rocket could be propelled better by liquid fuel. This allowed him to succeed in launching the first successful flight with a liquid-propellant rocket on March 16th, 1926. It flew for 2.5 seconds and reached a total of 12.5 meters and landed 56 meters away. -
Modern Rocketry in Germany
Hermann Oberth, published a book in 1923 about rocket travel into outer space. Due to his book many small rocket societies sprang up around the world. In Germany one society called Society for Space Travel (Verein fur Raumschiffahrt) invented the V-2 rocket, which was used during the Air Raids of London during World War II. -
Cold War Rocketry
On October 4th, 1957, the World's first satellite launched by the Soviet Union called Sputnik I successfully entered space causing a race for space between the two superpower nations the U.S. and the USSR. The Soviet Union also sent a dog named Laika into orbit. This led the United States to send a satellite called Explorer I on January 31st 1958. It take the task off of the US Army's hands the government created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). -
"One Small Step..."
At 10:56 p.m. EDT, July 20th, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon. The Apollo 11 mission was the first of six Moon landings extending to the end of 1972.