History of Rocket Propulsion

  • 10

    The Hero Engine

    The Hero Engine
    It was designed by Hero of Alexandria and had a copper container that would be heated to have water inside the container turn into steam, which was then let out from the container as jets of gas.
  • Jan 1, 800

    The discovery of gunpowder

    The discovery of gunpowder
    The Chinese discovered it while trying to make and elixir of immortality and works because it is an explosive compound.
  • Jan 1, 1214

    Roger Improves Gunpowder

    Roger Improves Gunpowder
    Roger Bacon improved the gunpowder by changing the formula to improve the power.
  • Newton's laws of motion

    Newton's laws of motion
    When Sir Isaac Newton published his laws of motion this became the foundation of Rocket science.
  • V-2 Rockets

    V-2 Rockets
    These were ballistic missile made by the engineer Werner Von Braun , which were the first missiles able to go to space. They did this by burning an oxygen and alcohol mixture.
  • Sputnik I

    Sputnik I
    It was the first man made satellite that would orbit around earth and was made by the Soviet Union. It is what began the space race and it used a mixture of kerosene and liquid oxygen as fuel.
  • Luna 1

    Luna 1
    Luna 1 was the first spacecraft to achieve escape velocity and first discovered solar wind. The goal was to have it reach the moon, but it failed this due to a programming error. The engine was derived from an R-7, which used liquid oxygen and kerosene as fuel.
  • Vanguard 2

    Vanguard 2
    It was the first satellite meant to be used to record weather it was also a major part in the space race between because it showed that the US was not going to lose. It is expected to be in orbit for 300 years and it used liquid oxygen and kerosene as fuel.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    The Apollo 11 spaceship was used to help the astronauts land on the moon. This achievement is what marked the US as having won the space race. The space ship used a Saturn V rocket which used refined petroleum and liquid oxygen as fuel.
  • Juno Launch

    Juno Launch
    Juno is probe that is orbiting around Jupiter and was built by Lockheed Martin. It had an Atlas V rocket which used Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene as fuel.