History of Robotics

  • Mar 1, 1088

    Su Sung's Cosmic Engine

    Su Sung's Cosmic Engine
    The Cosmic Engine Su Sung creates an ancient astronomical clock in 1088. The "clock" was five stories tall and was able to calculate time; weeks, months, seasons, days, minutes, hours, etc. It was destroyed in the 11th Century by enemies of the Sung Dynasty.
  • Jan 1, 1160

    Al-Jazari's Programmable Robot

    Al-Jazari's Programmable Robot
    Al-Jazari's Robot Al-Jazari, an Islamic engineer known as the Da Vinci of his time, creates the world's first programmable humanoid robot. He also creates a variety of different automata that can play music, row boats and do other differen labor tasks.
  • Jan 1, 1495

    Leonardo's Armored Knight

    Leonardo's Armored Knight
    MegaGiant Robotics Leonardo Da Vinci creates a humanoid robot that resembles a human knight. It is designed to imitate human movement as if an actual person was inside. Copies are made to amuse royal courts in medieval times.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    16th-19th century

  • Jan 11, 1533

    The Calculating Clock of Wilhelm Schickard

    The Calculating Clock of Wilhelm Schickard
    History of Computers Wilhelm Schickard creates a clock that can help in calculations; however, only one prototype is ever created although it is extremely successful. Colleagues place orders for them but never receieve them.
  • John Kay's Flying Shuttle

    John Kay's Flying Shuttle
    Flying Shuttle-John Kay John Kay creates an improved version of the loom that is now able to be operated by a single weaver and works more efficiently. It will pave the way for mechanical electric looms in the future.
  • Jacques De Vaucanson's Robots

    Jacques De Vaucanson's Robots
    Jacques De Vaucanson creates three different automated machines, or robots, designed to prove the possibility of imitatng living anatomy with inanimate objects. The most famous of these is his "duck", which can eat and breath.
  • Richard Arkwright's Water Powered Weaving Machine

    Richard Arkwright's Water Powered Weaving Machine
    Richard Arkwright Richard Arkwright creates a water-powered weaving machine. This machine, and the factory which produces goods created from it, help start the Industrial Revolution.
  • Tanaka's Mechanical Automata

    Tanaka's Mechanical Automata
    Science between Europe and Asia Hisashige Tanaka creates mechanical robots such a teacup-carrying doll, a robot that shows arrows and others. An exhibiton is created to showcase the work he has done, and it is well receieved.
  • Nikola Tesla's RC Boat

    Nikola Tesla's RC Boat
    Nikola Tesla creates the first instance of a remote-controlled object, in this case a small minature boat. This will be the first of many RC vehicles which will become common as toys for children in the future.
  • Period: to

    20th Century

  • Ford's Automated Factories

    Ford's Automated Factories
    Inventors Robotics Henry Ford installs automated conveyor builts and assembly lines in his factories. Model Ts take nearly half the time they used to need to be created and ready for sale.
  • Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics

    Isaac Asimov's Laws of Robotics
    MegaGiant Robotics Isaac Asimov begins writing short stories about robots and becomes credited with the term "Robotics." He coins the fictional Three Laws of Robotics, which talk about what a robot may or may not do concerning humans.
  • The World's First Robot Company

    The World's First Robot Company
    Inventors Robotics The world's first robotics company is formed in 1956 by George Devol and Joseph Engelberger. One of their earliest creations is Squee, an electronic squirrel.
  • The Rancho Arm

    The Rancho Arm
    Inventors About The Rancho Arm is created with the intention of helping handi-caps with disability issues. It is the first robotic arm to ever be created and has full flexibility like a real human arm.

    Honda debuts ASIMO, a walking humanoid robot who can perform basic human functions. It is the first robotic icon of the next millenium and is considered important to furthering robotic technology.
  • Period: to

    20th Century-2012

  • Predator Drone

    Predator Drone
    Airforce Technology General Atomics creates the first Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, or UAV, and names it the Predator Drone. This robot is able to perform reconnaissance missions and open fire on targets at will or be controlled by a military handler.
  • TOMY's I-Sobot

    TOMY's I-Sobot
    TOMY's I-Sobot TOMY creates I-Sobot, the world's smallest humanoid form robot in existence. It is only 165 mm tall fully functional by virtue of 17 custom-created servo-motors. It is labeled the world's smallest robot by Guinness World Records.
  • Robonaut 2

    Robonaut 2
    Robonaut Hpme NASA Johnson Space Center creates Robonaut, a humanoid robot that can assist astronauts in space operations and perform operations much too dangerous for a human. Currently there are four working models, with more under construction.
  • Canadarm 2

    Canadarm 2
    Canadarm 2 NASA creates Canadarm 2, a more intelligent and powerful version of the robotic arm used on space shuttles. The arm is able to perform a myriad number of tasks in space, such as fixing solar panels and moving modules, etc.
  • The Caliph's Silver Tree

    The Caliph's Silver Tree
    History of Robots Caliph Al-Mammon has a silver and gold tree created for him which is placed in a garden at his palace. The tree had metal birds which could shake their wings. A second tree is created later on which has birds who can sing as well.
  • Heron of Alexandria

    Heron of Alexandria
    The Hero of Alexandria Heron of Alexandria creates robots that are used in theatrical performances and during religious ceremonies. His robots are also used to open gates using hydraulic equipment.
  • Period: to Dec 31, 1499

    1AD -15th Century