Period: to
Years timespan
1911: The Xinhai Revolution overthrows the ruling Qing Dynasty and establishment of the Republic of China.
In 1911, after years of oppressive monarchial rule, the Chinese people rebelled against Aisin-Gioro Puyi and succeded in finally overthrowing millinea of rule. The Republic of China was formed shortly after only to be reformed again by the Marxist Peoples Republic of China. -
1914: The Boer Revolt against the British in South Africa.
After centuries of European rule, the Boers or the farmers rebel against thir British aggressors. This is one of the first rebellions in Africa. -
1917: The October Revolution in Russia:
With the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, and a sluggish monarchy that has caused unemplyment off the charts and poor revenue. The Bolsheviks took charge by dethroning the king of Russia, King Nicholas II. -
1927–1931: The Ağrı Rebellion by Kurds against Turkey.
The ethnic Kurdish population to the north of Turkey were very unhappy with the way things were running in the country so they rebelled. Unfortunately the Kurds had a lot less man power which ended up to be their demise. Results--decisive Turkish victory. -
1956: The Tibetan rebellions against Chinese rule broke out in Amdo and Kham.
As Communist China wanted more land, they looked upon the the Tibetians. As peaceful as the Buddhist Tibetians are, they wouldn't give up their holy land for a rogue confused state of China. So they rebelled against communist rule , and got crushed by the enormous and mighty Peoples Liberation Army (PLA). Since then, Tibet has remained under the control of the Chinese government which is showin no signs of letting up. -
1973: Worker-student demonstrations in Thailand force dictator Thanom Kittikachorn to fle the country beginning a short rule of constitutional democracy
After years of monarchy, the atchaic government even wanted reform but the dictator Thanom Kittikachorn predictably didn't want to leave. This sparked a nation-wide protest among Thailanders which forced the dictator and two close associates to flee the country. A short period of democratic rule began after this uprising. -
1986: Khalistan Commando Force started armed movement for the establishment of Khalistan, an independent Sikh homeland
After a violent crackdown by the Indian Armed Forces on th Golden Temple in Amritsar, the Sikhs wanted revenge.They formed a guerilla group called te Khaistan Commando Force and started performing terroist activities such as car bombs, IED's, etc. Eventually the rebellion was thankfully quelled but, the Sikhs vowed for an independent country of Khalistan, one day. -
1989: The Singing Revolution, bloodless overthrow of communist rule in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Despite Soviet attempts at encouraging communism, the three governments of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania all overthrew their governments by peacefully protesting, hence the term; bloodless. -
1989: The Tiananmen Square protests, a series of street demonstrations led by students
With the rest of the world, ridding themselves of communist rule, people in China also wanted reform, especially with their sluggish economy, virtually no job growth, and no freedom of speech or press. Unfortunately, this too led ot a violent and brutal crackdown by the Peoples Liberation Army. To this day China denies doing any wrong doing -
1989: Demonstrations in East Germany led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
After decades of protest by both East and West Germans. The government finally buckled under international and domestic pressure. With cooperation between Mikhail Gorbachev and the German leaders. Slowly communist influences were deteriorating, and democracy started taking over.