
History of Negative Numbers

  • 200 BCE

    China uses Positive and Negative Numbers

    China uses Positive and Negative Numbers
    Negative numbers appear for the first time! In the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art (Jiu zhang suan-shu) Chinese used positive and negative numbers to calculate commercial spending and taxes. Red rods were used to represent positive numbers and black rods were used to represent negative numbers. The amount sold is positive because you receive money and the amount purchased was black because you are paying money.
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Ceasar becomes Dictator of Rome

    Julius Ceasar becomes Dictator of Rome
    Famous Julius Ceasar becomes the first dictator of Rome, Italy. This was the end of the Roman Republic.
  • 620

    India uses Negative Numbers

    India uses Negative Numbers
    Brahmagupta, mathematician, introduces fortunes and debts to explain positive and negative numbers. He came up with a set of rules regarding fortunes, debts, and zero that define the relationship between them.
  • 660

    First English Written Poem

    First English Written Poem
    First English poem is written called Caedmon's Hymn.
  • 900

    Negative Numbers Present in Arabic Mathematics

    Negative Numbers Present in Arabic Mathematics
    Abul -Wafa utilized negative numbers in his works. He found that subtracting 5 from 3 gives a debt of 2. This is the only case of negatives being used in medieval Arabia.
  • 900

    Negative Numbers Appear Again

    Negative Numbers Appear Again
    A Persian mathematician, Abū al-Wafā' al-Būzjānī wrote A Book on What Is Necessary from the Science of Arithmetic for Scribes and Businessmen. In this, he refers to negative numbers.
  • 1024

    Paper Money Issued

    Paper Money Issued
    The first paper money is issued by the Chinese.
  • 1150

    Negative Numbers Present in Iran

    Negative Numbers Present in Iran
    Al - Samawal produced algebra where he state the following set of rules:
    -if we subtract a positive number from an 'empty power', the same negative number remains,
    -if we subtract the negative number from an 'empty power', the same positive number remains,
    -the product of a negative number by a positive number is negative, and by a negative number is positive.
  • 1202

    Fibbonacci uses Negatives

    Fibbonacci uses Negatives
    In Chapter 13 of Liber Abaci, Fibbonacci refers to negative values as solutions that describe financial problems. These negatives were considered debts.
  • 1285

    Glasses Invented

    Glasses Invented
    Spectacles were invented in Italy for people who are farsighted.
  • 1441

    First Documented Slavery

    First Documented Slavery
    The first documented African slaves are imported into Europe.
  • 1500

    15th Century Negative Numbers

    European mathematicians Nicolas Chuquet and Michael Stifel use negative numbers but refer to them as absurd numbers or numeri absurdi.
  • Number Line Created

    Number Line Created
    John Wallis creates the number line which included negative numbers, giving more meaning to the use of negative numbers.
  • Negative Numbers Ignored

    Many mathematicians ignored negative solutions because they were considered meaningless. Negative results were ignored and thought to be nonsensical regardless of prior mathematicians bringing light to negative numbers.
  • Poor Richard's Almanack

    Poor Richard's Almanack
    Benjamin Franklin begins publishing Poor Richard's Almanack.
  • Negative Numbers given Structure

    Negative Numbers given Structure
    Negative numbers were systematically part of a structure provided by mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Negative numbers were no longer dismissed and the thought that they were nonsensical began to fade. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz used these negative numbers in infinitesimal calculus.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The French and Indian War comes to a conclusion with the Treaty of Paris. This gave Britain control over land such as North America (east of the Mississippi), parts of India, and islands from the French. George Washington fought in the French and Indian war and gained experience as a soldier in this war.