History of Quebec 1840-1940

By heihil
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    The Act of Union was passed by the British Parliament in July, 1840 and proclaimed on the 10 February, 1841 after being recommended by Lord Durham. It united the colonies of Upper Canada and Lower Canada under one government, creating the Province of Canada.
  • Britain switches to free trade

    This leaves Canada by themselves, they decide to sign the reciprocity treaty with the USA for 10 years
  • Responsible Government

    Responsible Government
    Responsible Government is implemented by the Great Ministry of Baldwin and LaFontaine.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    Canada and the U.S. sign a Reciprocity Treaty, ensuring reduction of customs duties.
  • Ottawa becomes the Capital

    Ottawa becomes the Capital
    Queen Victoria designates Ottawa as capital of the Province of Canada.
  • First Woman to attend University

    First Woman to attend University
    Mount Allison University accepts the first woman student in Sackville, N.B.
  • The Great Coalition

    The Great Coalition
    MacDonald, Cartier, and Brown join their parties together to pursue their joint goal of constitutional reform. This paved the way for the Charlottetown and Quebec conferences.
  • Charlottetown Conference

    Charlottetown Conference
    Originally designed to discuss Maritime union, the Charlottetown Conference takes the first steps toward Confederation.
  • Quebec Conference

    Quebec Conference
    The Québec Conference identifies the seventy-two resolutions that set out the basis for union.
  • Confederation

    The British North America act separated the previously joined Upper and Lower Canada and named them Ontario and Quebec respectively. It joined them with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to form the Dominion of Canada.
  • Red River Rebellion

    Red River Rebellion
    Riel led the Metis people in a resistance against the government and settlers who were invading upon their land. During occupation Riel tried and executed Thomas Scott, and orange man for threatening to murder Riel. Once the government sent troops in he fled to the US
  • Province of Manitoba is created

    Province of Manitoba is created
    Part of Riel's agreement with the government was that the Red River Colony's land was allowed to enter Confederation under the named of Manitoba. It was much smaller than the province today.
  • 1st Phase of Industrialization

    local businessmen owned
    smaller industries in the city
    flower mills, textile mills, sugar refineries
    steam+water powered
    employed unskilled immigrants
  • Period: to

    1st Phase of Industrialization

  • British Columbia joins Confederation

    British Columbia joins Confederation
    In return for entering Confederation, Canada absorbed B.C.'s massive debt, and promised to build a railway from Montreal to the Pacific coast within 10 years.
  • Union are Legalized

    Unions are associations created to protect workers and improved working conditions, they were not accepted initially as they challenged authority. Eventually the church started to promote catholic based unions. During the 2nd phase, American unions also infiltrated into Canada.
  • Prince Edward Island joins Confederation

    Canada became afraid the Island would join the United States, and the Island was forced because of its crippling debt it could not pay off.
  • Indian Act

    created reservations and negotiated treaties with FN
    set up residential schools
    assimilated their culture
    FN were treated as “wards of the state” (like children)
  • National Policy

    National Policy
    John A, MacDonald created it to improve the economy by:
    - attracting immigrants by giving them land on the prairies (ukrainian, polish, russian)
    - building the railway
    - Implementing tariffs on foreign goods
  • North West Rebellion

    North West Rebellion
    Louis Riel returned to continue to fight for the Metis rights, he led a semi successful rebellion made up of many first nation allies. They had many early victories, including Fish Creek, but were eventually defeated and Riel was captured, tried for treason and hanged for the execution of Thomas Scott.
  • The Canadian Pacific Railway was Completed

    The Canadian Pacific Railway was Completed
    The Canadian Pacific railway was completed. It was the longest in the world at that time, but it had a large toll of taking the lives of many of the immigrant workers who built it on low wages and dangerous conditions.
  • Mercier and Nationalism

    In 1887 H. Mercier is premier of Quebec = wants more provincial autonomy for quebec
  • Boer War

    fought in south africa between the french and dutch over very resourceful land
    French didn’t want to send troops, promoting Canadian nationalism didn’t want to participate in a foreign affair
    British Imperialists wanted to support their country and send troops
  • 2nd Phase of Industrialization

    lots of exporting to the USA (main market)
    many americans owned these businesses
    minerals, pulp+paper
    remote areas are set up for mines
    Used hydroelectricity
    employed more skilled french workers
  • Period: to

    2nd Phase of Industrialization

  • Period: to

    Living and Working Conditions

    Poor areas were
    dirty, covered in garbage and waste
    lack of sewage and treated water
    flooding often happened
    crowded apartments, epidemics
    house were fire hasard, close together and all made of wood
    long hours, low wages and no rights
    women and children were beaten and intimidated
    dangerous equipment and unsanitary conditions
  • Alberta and Saskatchewan join Canada

    Alberta and Saskatchewan join Canada
    Alberta joined Confederation along with Saskatchewan in 1905, when the two new provinces were created out of a section of the Northwest Territories.
  • Henri Bourassa and Nationalism

    Henri Bourassa and Nationalism
    Henri Bourassa = wants more autonomy for canada from britain + more power to quebec//french canadian nationalist
    created le devoir in 1910
    a little later than Mercier basically the same values
  • WWI and Consciption

    canada involved by sending troops, victory bonds, income tax, rationing, recycling
    troop supplies were low
    conscription was established (forced to go to war) by PM Borden
    divided canada
    French = upset didn’t want their children to die for a british war
    English = generally supported the war effort
  • Women can vote federally

    They gained respect for their war effort
  • Women can vote Provincially