
History of Pysch (Nikstaitis)

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    Evolutionary psychology (EP) is an approach in the social and natural sciences that examines psychological traits such as memory, perception, and language from a modern evolutionary perspective.
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    cognition is a group of mental processes that includes attention, memory, producing and understanding language, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making.
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    Functional psychology or functionalism refers to a general psychological philosophy that considers mental life and behavior in terms of active adaptation to the person's environment.
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    Humanism is a group of philosophies and ethical perspectives which emphasize the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers individual thought and evidence, over established doctrine or faith.
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    Psychodynamics is the theory and systematic study of the psychological forces that underlie human behaviour.
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    Structuralism is a theoretical paradigm emphasizing that elements of culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or structure
  • Pavlov's Dog

    Pavlov's Dog
    Conditioned dogs to salivate when bell rings, with no food present.
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    Behaviorism is an approach to psychology that combines elements of philosophy, methodology, and theory.
  • Little Albert

    Little Albert
    Conditioned a little baby to be afarid of white rabbits, turned into a fear of being afarid of anything white and fuzzy.
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    Cultural psychology is a field of psychology which assumes the idea that culture and mind are inseparable, and that psychological theories grounded in one culture are likely to be limited in applicability when applied to a different culture.
  • Thorndike

    Chamber Containing a bar or key that an animal can manitpulate to obtain a food or water reinforcers.
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    Biological/ Neuroscience

    Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system. Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.
  • BoBo doll

    BoBo doll
    Child see a parent throwing a doll around using fowl language, the child is most liekly will repeast the act with the doll.
  • Stanford Prison Experiment

    Stanford Prison Experiment
    Stanford PrisonPhilip
    Zimbardo and his colleaugues set out to create an experiment that looked at the impact of becoming a prisoner or prison guard.
  • Koko the Gorilla

    Koko the Gorilla
    Scientists teaches a gorilla to sign and learn language. She has learned 1,000 signs and understands 2,000 spoken words.