
History of psychology wise

  • Pavlov's Dogs

    Pavlov's Dogs
    Pavlov would ring a bell then present food to the dog, causing the dog to drool. After doing this so many times he would only have to ring the bell and the dog would start to drool.
  • Little Albert

    Little Albert
    Watson clang a loud bell which made the baby cry then presented a white mouse. Eventually Albert became scared of anything white and furry; it ended up damaging him for life. This experiment was made to condition a child to fear another distinctive stimulus which normally would not be feared by a child.
  • Skinner Box

    Skinner Box
    Skinner puts a starved rat in a box that contains one or more levers that the animal can press. it also has one or more stimulus lights and one or more places where a reinforces such as food can be delivered. If the rat pushes the button when the light is on it get's food, if it pushes it when the light is off it get's nothing. This demonstrates operant conditioning and shaping behavior.
  • Asch Conformity

    Asch Conformity
    They had 18 trials where a group of college students and one actor were shown a card; the actors had to either say the wrong or the right answers. If they said the wrong answer they had to see if they could convince the other students that their answer was the right one. Asch wanted to prove that individuals will change their answer if a group persuaded them.
  • Bobo Doll

    Bobo Doll
    A team of researchers verbally and physically abused a doll in front of a room full of pre-school aged children. When given the same type of doll the children mimicked the adults’ behavior. This experiment was done to show that children are able to learn through the observation of adults behavior
  • Genie

    Genie was locked away up until she was about 13. After being found different psychologist started doing different test on her. They wanted to see how far they could advance a wild child. They had gotten her to gain weight, and she also was able to speak but not in full sentences.
  • Stanford Prison experiment

    Stanford Prison experiment
    Philip Zimbardo lead the experiment, chose 24 random males, some were prisoners some were guards. They turned the basement of the Psychology building into the prison and treated the inmates like real prisoners. The experiment ended in six days instead of two weeks later because the prisoners really went crazy. This experiment demonstrated the impressionability and obedience of people when provided with a ideology and social and institutional support. It also was used to show cognitive dissonanc
  • Naive dog

    Naive dog
    A dog is in a box and given electrical shocks; since he does not understand to jump over the barrier he just sits there and takes the shock. This is known as learned helplessness.
  • Project Nim

    Project Nim
    Nim was placed in a human family at two weeks old and was raised as a human child. They taught him sign language to communicate. This experiment was designed to prove the theory that language is inherited only through humans
  • Koko

    Koko is a gorilla they taught sign language to so she could communicate with the workers. She attended “classes”. She learned over 1,000 signs. She also was able to keep a pet.