First psychology laboratory
At the University of Leipzig, Germany, Wilhelm Wundt founded the first experimental laboratory. -
First American psychology laboratory
At John Hopskins University, G. Stanley Hall establishes first U.S. experimental psychology lab. -
APA Founded
APA founded by G. Stanley Hall -
Interpretation of Dreams
Sit under Freud introduces his theory of psychoanalysis. -
First woman president of APA
The first women president of APA was Mary Calkins. -
IQ test developed
The IQ test was developed by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. The IQ test is a scale of intelligence on a basis of mental age. -
Launching behaviorism, John B. Watson published "Psychology as Behavior" -
First African American doctorate in Psychology
Nazi persecution of psychologists
Nazis gain control of the German government researchers and scholars in psychology and psychiatry were persecuted. -
Gestalt psychology
The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Children
In the theory and practice of child psychoanalysis, Anna Freud publishes basic concepts. -
Biopsychology; Psychopharmacology; Humanistic Psychology
Cognitive psychology
PET scanner test
Cultural psychology