387 BCE
"Plato suggested that the brain is the mechanism of mental processes." (All Psych, 2018) -
335 BCE
"Aristotle suggested that the heart is the mechanism of mental processes." (All Psych, 2018) -
Islamic Philosophers
-Standardization of Math and science.
-Evidence based medicine.
-Mind body Dualism. -
Renaissance and Enlightenment
-The Renaissance happened because of the fall of the Catholic church.
-The invention of the printing press. -
Question Everything.
-Human senses lie to ones self. -
John Locke
-Says that only real knowledge comes from direct sensory experience.
-At birth brains are empty.
-Start of Behavioral Psychology. -
Franz Mesmer and Mesmerism
"Franz Mesmer detailed his cure for some mental illness, originally called mesmerism and now known as hypnosis." (All Psych, 2018)
-Accidentally discovered social cognition and social facilitation.
-Accidentally discovered the Placebo Effect. -
Philippe Pinel and Asylem Reform
"Philippe Pinel released the first mental patients from confinement in the first massive movement for more humane treatment of the mentally ill." (All Psych, 2018)
-He treated people like humans should be treated. -
"Franz Gall wrote about phrenology (the idea that a person’s skull shape and placement of bumps on the head can reveal personality traits." (All Psych, 2018)
-Different parts of the brain control different parts of the body.
-Every part of the brain works individually. -
"Ernst Heinrich Weber published his perception theory of ‘Just Noticeable DIfference,’ now known as Weber’s Law." (All Psych, 2018)
-He discovered inhibition in the nervous system.
-Discovered Psychophysics of touch.
-Two point test. -
Charles Darwin
"Charles Darwin published the On the Origin of Species, detailing his view of evolution and expanding on the theory of ‘Survival of the fittest." (All Psych, 2018)
-An explanation for how adaptation took place. -
Broca's Area
"French physician Paul Broca discovered an area in the left frontal lobe that plays a key role in language development." (All Psych, 2018) -
Sir Francis Galton
"Sir Francis Galton, Influenced by Charles Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species,’ publishes ‘Hereditary Genius,’ and argues that intellectual abilities are biological in nature." (All Psych, 2018) -
Wernicke's Area
"Carl Wernicke published his work on the frontal lobe, detailing that damage to a specific area damages the ability to understand or produce language." (All Psych, 2018) -
"G. Stanley Hall received the first American Ph.D. in psychology. He later founded the American Psychological Association." (All Psych, 2018)
-He brought Freud and Jung to the United States.
This brought psychoanalysis to the United States.
-Fan of evolution and the cause of behavior. -
Founding of Psychology
"Wilhelm Wundt founded the first formal laboratory of Psychology at the University of Leipzig, marking the formal beginning of the study of human emotions, behaviors, and cognitions." (All Psych, 2018)
-Wundt established the first psychology research journal.
-Wrote a book on the psychology of people, "Volkerpsychologie" -
Edward Bradford Titchener and Structuralism
-First experimental psychology lab in America.
-He wanted to understand mental processes.
-What: Identify simple Irreducible elements of the mental process.
-How: The elements combined to create mental experiences.
-Why: Causal factors for mental experiences. -
First Psychology Lab
"The first laboratory of psychology in America is established at Johns Hopkins University" (All Psych, 2018). -
"Sigmund Freud began performing therapy in Vienna, marking the beginning of personality theory" (All Psych, 2018).
-Freud Opened his first clinic in 1886.
-Focused on the unconscious mind.
-Used hypnosis, free association, dream interpretation
-Believed these where all windows to the unconscious mind.
-The Structure of Personality
-Superego -
Mental Test
"The term “Mental Tests” was coined by James Cattell, beginning the specialization in psychology now known as psychological assessment" (All Psych, 2018). -
"Sir Francis Galton developed the technique known as the correlation to better understand the interrelationships in his intelligence studies" (All Psych, 2018). -
Founding of Functionalism
"William James published ‘Principles of Psychology,’ that later became the foundation for functionalism" (All Psych, 2018).
-The Chicago School of Psychology -
Foundation of the American Psychological Association (APA)
"Foundation of the American Psychological Association (APA) headed by G. Stanley Hall, with an initial membership of 42" (All Psych, 2018). -
Psychoanalytic Thought.
"Sigmund Freud published ‘Interpretation of Dreams’ marking the beginning of Psychoanalytic Thought" (All Psych, 2018).
-Reveal context of unconscious to the conscious mind.
-consciou mind can control again. -
Binet's Intelligence Test
"Alfred Binet’s Intelligence Test was published in France" (All Psych, 2018).
-He was interested in the development of a childs mind. -
"Ivan Pavlov published the first studies on Classical Conditioning" (All Psych, 2018).
-Before accidentally discovering classical conditioning, he was studying salivas role in digestion. -
"William Stern developed the original formula for the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) after studying the scores on Binet’s intelligence test" (All Psych, 2018). -
Gestalt Psychology
"Max Wertheimer published research on the perception of movement, marking the beginnings of Gestalt Psychology" (All Psych, 2018).
-Meaningful experiences are not always the result of the mechanical laws of association
-The context of the observer or "frame of reference" is critical. -
Little Albert
"John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner published the Little Albert experiments, demonstrating that fear could be classically conditioned" (All Psych, 2018). -
Behavioral Psychology
"John E. Watson published ‘Psychology as a Behaviorist Views It’ marking the beginnings of Behavioral Psychology" (All Psych, 2018). -
Behaviorism and Watson
-He wanted to predict and control behavior.
-Limited their studies to observing behavior and to ignore the "black box" of the mind -
Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
-Changes in voluntary behavior based on Consequences -
Carl Rogers
"Carl Rogers published ‘Counseling and Psychotherapy’ suggesting that respect and a non-judgmental approach to therapy is the foundation for effective treatment of mental health issues" (All Psych, 2018). -
Humanistic Psychology and Masloq
Abraham Maslow
-The self
-Free wIll
-Rational Conscious decisions
-Hyierarchy of needs -
Populization of Clinical Psychology
-Many soldiers coming back from world war two had shell shock or PTSD
-There was a big need to help these people. -
Skinner Box
-A mouse would hit a button and get food. -
"The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was published by The American Psychiatric Association marking the beginning of modern mental illness classification" (All Psych, 2018). -
Cognitive Psychology
-Came from gestalt psychology.
-Shift towards specialization
-Studied mental process like memory, problem-solving, attention, and language -
Social Learning Theory
-No direct reinforcement.
-Learn by watching others.
-Latent learning. -
CT Scan
See the human brain while the person is still alive. -