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History of Psychology - Brianna Farmer

By bfarmer
  • 470 BCE


    I. There was a split in ideas between Idealism and Materialism
    Idealists believed senses were flawed and that sensory observations could not be trusted
    Materialists abandoned divinity and said that there was only one to understand and that was to study it directly
    II. There was a connection made between the mind and the body by the first doctor (Hippocrates)
    III. A gained knowledge of the influence of subjectivity came about
  • 450 BCE


    I. Socrates got into the practice of questioning everything
    II. The Socratic Method – teaching by asking questions
    III. Plato began “The Academy” where he taught Socrates philosophy
    IV. Allegory of the Cave -- explaining human existence (PLATO)
    V. Idealism was furthered
    VI. Recognition of our limitations (The Chariot)
  • 384 BCE


    I. Founding of Materialism
    Emphasis on Empirical science
    II. The creation of The Lyceum – a scientific academy (Aristotle)
    III. 1st textbook was written titled “Peri Psyche”
  • 300 BCE

    Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus was Discovered

    Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus was Discovered
    I. Collection of doctor’s notes written in Hieroglyphics
    II. First written reference to the brain
    III. First documented observation of location of function and contralateral control
  • 1300

    Fall of the Catholic Church from Power

    I. Renaissance Period – After Dark Ages
    II. People started to question and doubt the church
    III. There was a division of power and leadership when people realized religion couldn’t help everything
    IV. It was no longer dangerous to question religion – turning people to SCIENCE
    V. Invention of the printing press – allowing people to share ideas on all levels
  • School of Rationalism is Founded (Descartes)

    School of Rationalism is Founded (Descartes)
    I. Enlightenment Period
    II. Mind/body dualism was a new idea
    III. The pineal gland was discovered and believed to be the place of interaction between the body and the mind (Descartes)
  • School of Empiricism Founded (Locke)

    School of Empiricism Founded (Locke)
    I. Locke stated that all behavior was a result of experience and real knowledge comes from sensory experience
    II. The idea that everyone’s brain was born “blank”
  • Franz Mesmer's MESMERISM

    Franz Mesmer's MESMERISM
    I. Thought to be a detailed cure for some mental illnesses
    II. Now known as hypnosis
  • Release of First Mental Patients

    Release of First Mental Patients
    I. Philippe Pinel
    II. First big leap towards more humane treatment of the mentally ill.
  • Belle-Magendie Law

    Belle-Magendie Law
    I. First localization of function in the nervous system
    II. This was important for understanding ALS, MS, and spinal cord injuries
  • Discovery of Phrenology (Franz Joseph Gall)

    Discovery of Phrenology (Franz Joseph Gall)
    I. Gall studied mental faculties by studying the size of the brain regions
    II. Studied brain indirectly by measuring the skull
    III. "Productive false start" -- it mobilized others to study the localization of function in the brain and also made the brain more popular
  • Discrediting of Phrenology (Pierre Flourens)

    Discrediting of Phrenology (Pierre Flourens)
    I. Found some sort of location of function from using animal ablation studies
    II. Discovered that the brain was a "commune" of activity
    III. Brain plasticity became relevant
  • Phineas Gage Brain Injury

    Phineas Gage Brain Injury
    Phineas Gage suffered brain damage when an iron pole pierces his brain. His personality was changed but his intellect remained intact suggesting that an area of the brain plays a role in personality.
  • Charles Darwin Published his View of Evolution

    Charles Darwin Published his View of Evolution
    I. Documented evidence of evolution and applied theory to other life forms (humans)
    II. Provided an explanation for how adaptation took place (Natural selection)
    III. First to recognize importance of environment
  • Identification of "Broca's Area" (Paul Broca)

    Identification of "Broca's Area" (Paul Broca)
    I. French physician that discovered an area in the left front lobe
    II. Area discovered (Broca's Area) plays a key role in language development
  • Gustav Fritsch and Eduard Hitzig Conduct First Electrical Stimulation Studies of Cortex

    Gustav Fritsch and Eduard Hitzig Conduct First Electrical Stimulation Studies of Cortex
    I. Discovered primary motor connect in brain
    II. Discovered organization in brain -- further evidence for localization of function
  • Carl Wernicke Publicizes his Work on Frontal Lobe

    Carl Wernicke Publicizes his Work on Frontal Lobe
    I. Localization of language comprehension
    II. Detailing that damages to a specific area of the brain may damage one's ability to understand or even speak language
  • G. Stanley Hall Received First American PhD in Psychology

    G. Stanley Hall Received First American PhD in Psychology
    I. Later went on to found the APA
  • William Wundt Founded First Formal Laboratory of Psychology

    William Wundt Founded First Formal Laboratory of Psychology
    I. University of Leipzig
    II. Formal beginning to the study of psychology
  • Discovery of Correlations by Francis Galton

    Discovery of Correlations by Francis Galton
    I. Used statistics to find relationships between variables in human behavior
    II. Used correlation to demonstrate the effects of heredity on behavioral characteristics
  • Mental Tests - Coined By James Cattle

    Mental Tests - Coined By James Cattle
    I. Elevated the status of psychology as a science in America
  • State Care Act Passed

    I. Ordering mentally ill patients out of poor-houses and into state hospitals for treatment
    II. Larger leap towards the fair treatment of those who were mentally ill
  • G. Stanley Hall founded the APA

    G. Stanley Hall founded the APA
    I. Hall was also the first president
  • John Dewey - Functionalism

    John Dewey - Functionalism
    I. Functionalism came into play
    II. Functionalism focused on the purpose of consciousness and behavior
    II. The idea of being able to understand things without breaking them down
  • "Interpretation of Dreams" -- Freud

    "Interpretation of Dreams" -- Freud
    I. Sigmund Freud published ‘Interpretation of Dreams’
    II. Beginning of psychoanalytic thought -- the idea of revealing the unconscious mind to his patients
  • Alfred Binet IQ Test is Published in France

    Alfred Binet IQ Test is Published in France
    I. Hired by the French government to develop a test to differentiate the typical children and delayed learners
    II. A step towards ensuring children are receiving the right help in order to succeed in an academic setting
  • First Classical Conditioning Study (Pavlov)

    First Classical Conditioning Study (Pavlov)
    I. Established the biological nature of mental illness
    II. Created a biological model for mental illness and the idea that they could be corrected
  • "The Psychology of Dementia Praecox" Published (Jung)

    "The Psychology of Dementia Praecox" Published (Jung)
  • Alfred Adler Abandoned Freud's "Psychoanalytic Theory"

    Alfred Adler Abandoned Freud's "Psychoanalytic Theory"
    I. Stated that Freud overemphasized sexuality and formed his theory solely based on his own childhood
    I. Later went on to move on to his own school of thought
  • Research on Perception of Movement Published (Werthimer)

    Research on Perception of Movement Published (Werthimer)
    I. Marked the beginning of Gestalt Psychology
  • Standford-Binet Intelligence Test Published in U.S.

    Standford-Binet Intelligence Test Published in U.S.
    I. First depiction of some sort of IQ test in the country
  • Little Albert Experiment

    Little Albert Experiment
    I. John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner
    II. Demonstrated that a person (child) could be classically conditioned to feel fear
  • Anna Freud Publishes First Book

    Anna Freud Publishes First Book
    I. Expanding on her fathers ideas about the developmental stages of children
  • Electroshock Therapy First Used on a Human Patient

    Electroshock Therapy First Used on a Human Patient
  • "Counseling and Psychotherapy" Published (Rogers)

    "Counseling and Psychotherapy" Published (Rogers)
    I. Carl Rogers
    II. This book shared the ideas that if a patient is respected and never judged, this will enhance the effectiveness of treatment of mental health issue
  • The Boulder Conference

    The Boulder Conference
    I. Set guidelines for graduate training in psychology
  • "Childhood and Society" Published (Erikson)

    "Childhood and Society" Published (Erikson)
    I. Expanded on Freud’s Theory to include social aspects of personality development across the lifespan
  • DSM Published

    DSM Published
    I.The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
    II. Published by APA
    III. Marked the beginning of modern day mental illness classification
  • Code of Ethics Developed by APA

    Code of Ethics Developed by APA
    I. Set of guidelines psychologists are supposed to use when doing psychological research
  • Founding of Humanistic Psychology (Maslow)

    Founding of Humanistic Psychology (Maslow)
    I. Later developed Hierarchy of Needs
  • "On Becoming a Person" Published (Rogers)

    "On Becoming a Person" Published (Rogers)
    I. Marked a powerful change in how treatment for mental health issues is conducted
  • Idea of Observational Learning Introduced (Bandura)

    Idea of Observational Learning Introduced (Bandura)
    I. New idea of observational Learning on the development of personality
  • DSM II Published

    I. Published by the American Psychiatric Association
    II. Updated changes in classification of mental illness
  • Zimbardo Prison Study

    Zimbardo Prison Study
    I. A study to look at how environment may affect people psychologically
    II. First step towards environmental psychology
  • Creation of the CT Scan

    Creation of the CT Scan
    I. First piece of technology that let you look at a LIVE human brain
  • APA Endorsed the Psy.D. degree

    I. For professional practice in psychology.
  • DSM III Published

  • First Psychologists Prescribe Medication

    First Psychologists Prescribe Medication
    I. Through U.S. military’s psychopharmacology program.
  • New Mexico becomes the First State Allowing Licensed Psychologists to Prescribe Psychotropic Medication

  • Simon LeVay publishes "Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why"

    Simon LeVay publishes "Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why"
    I. Argues that sexual orientation emerges from prenatal differentiation in the brain.
  • DSM V Is Released

    DSM V Is Released
    I. The APA removes "gender identity disorder" from the list of mental illnesses and replaces it "gender dysphoria" to describe a person's discomfort with his or her gender
  • APA Adopts Guidelines for Working with Transgender, Gender Non-comforming People

  • Obama Signs 21st Century Cures Act

    Obama Signs 21st Century Cures Act
    I. Provides essential prevention services, treatment for populations in need, and support for research, education, and training
  • APA Holds its 125th Convention

    APA Holds its 125th Convention