Party Fundation
It was founded by Plutarco Elías Calles with the name of Partido Nacional Revolucionario or PNR. -
First presidental elections of PNR
Pascual Ortiz Rubio was voted for president, and it was the first that was elected representing PNR. -
Lázaro Cárdenas and some more important people of the party made a change in the party's directives and changed the whole vision of the party into a socialist democracy, and they renamed the party as Partido de la Revolución Mexicana or PRM. -
Integration of CNOP
The popular sector was represented by CNOP or Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones Populares. It reagroups many sindical, social, civilian organisms. -
The ultimate change to PRI
With the objective of becoming a country who supported civilian power with college education and become an institution, Manuel Ávila Camacho refounded the party with the name of Partido Revolucionario Institucional or PRI -
Woman Electoral Freedom
For the first time, under a PRI administrtion and by the first time in Mexico's history, woman had the right of voting and to be voted. -
Plurality of Parties
PRI after winning the elections, PAN accussed PRI of being unfair, they tried to give PAN a dignifying exit so they approved the plurality of parties, recognizing their effort