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Watchmen: Informal Beginning of Policing
The watch system was informal and communal, relying on voluntary watchmen who alerted the civilians of any imminent danger in larger American cities including Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. SOURCE: http://plsonline.eku.edu/insidelook/history-policing-united-states-part-1 -
First Slave Patrol
Established by in South Carolina out of fear of slave rebellions. Under the authority of state militias, slave patrols developed throughout the southern states to discipline or capture fleeing slaves. Under the slave code, slave patrols were permitted to question and search any black person. SOURCE: http://plsonline.eku.edu/insidelook/history-policing-united-states-part-1
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Slavepatrols.jpg -
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Slave Patrols in Southern States
First "Modern Police"
The first American police force was established in Boston. Instead of being composed of volunteers, police officers were full-time employees who followed a fixed set of policing procedures and were accountable to a central government. SOURCE: http://plsonline.eku.edu/insidelook/history-policing-united-states-part-1
http://time.com/4779112/police-history-origins/ -
Black Codes
During the Reconstruction Era, the Black Codes were passed throughout the South. These codes were highly subjective, like Mississippi's Black Codes that made it legal for black persons to be arrested for being a "wanton in conduct or speech". Thus, police officers had a lot of discretion in enforcing the law. SOURCE: http://www.american-historama.org/1866-1881-reconstruction-era/black-codes.htm
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Freedman%27s_bureau.jpg -
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Patronage Model
The patronage model existed in most major American cities during this time period. Police officers were awarded their jobs in exchange for political support, making them allegiant to their patron instead of the law. Police also provided community services like sheltering the homeless, however their actions were motivated by gaining the people's political support. SOURCE: http://plsonline.eku.edu/insidelook/history-policing-united-states-part-4 -
Wickersham Commission
President Herbert Hoover created the commission in response to increased bootlegging during prohibition and organized crime. The group's 1931 report condemned the police's inability to combat crime. This commission's report led to police reforms across the nation.
Pictured above: George Wickersham SOURCE:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Wickersham#/media/File:George_Woodward_Wickersham_cph.3b30281.jpg -
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The Reform Era
The reform era emphasized efficiency and science in crime fighting under the belief that it would make officers less vulnerable to corruption. With new technology made it more efficient for officers to use radios and patrol cars instead of moving on foot. This caused officers became more isolated from their communities. Social work previously done by officers was discouraged as well. SOURCE: http://plsonline.eku.edu/insidelook/history-policing-united-states-part-5 -
O. W. Wilson publishes "Police Administration"
"Police Administration" served as the guide for police reform, aimed at severing the relationship between politicians and police. This reform emphasized military-style organization and discipline as well as efficiency in crime control. SOURCE:
https://www.ecrater.com/p/8147238/police-administration-by-ow-wilson-and -
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Community Policing
Community policing aimed to better the relationship between the police and the community. This policing tactic was supported by findings that the police have no real impact on the crime rates, making hard-line policing tactics impractical because of the fear and animosity they create amongst the public. SOURCE: http://plsonline.eku.edu/insidelook/history-policing-united-states-part-6 -
Broken Windows Theory
The broken windows model of policing was first described in 1982 in an article by James Wilson and George Kelling. The model focused on how disorder in the form of small crimes leads to urban decay, making larger crime more likely. In response, police began cracking down on low-level crime, notably drug offenses during the "war on drugs". SOURCE: http://cebcp.org/evidence-based-policing/what-works-in-policing/research-evidence-review/broken-windows-policing/
https://pxhere.com/en/photo/364290 -
21st Century Community Policing
Former President Barack Obama declared the week of October 2 through October 8, 2016, as National Community Policing Week.
"I call upon law enforcement agencies, elected officials, and all Americans to observe this week by recognizing ways to improve public safety, rebuild trust, and strengthen community relationships," Obama said in a Proclamation. SOURCE: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office