History of policing

  • 1626

    New York cities first sheriff department was in 1626 but more started in the 1800s
  • 1635

    the town of boston had began the first night watch
  • 1838

    the boston police department becomes the first local modern police department in U.S.
  • 1845

    the new york city police department is established
  • 1886

    first two african american police officers. Robert william stewart and Roy green were hired by LAPD
  • 1900

    Augest Vollmer, the police chief of Berkley CA, became the father of modern law enforcment.
  • 1905

    the pennsylvania state police becomes the first state police agency
  • 1910

    Alice stebbins wells was the first female police hired by the LAPD
  • 1910

    the first female deputy sheriff was Margaret Q. adams was hired by the LA county Sheriffs department
  • 1970s

    investigations of several city police departments revealed cases of police corruption.
  • 1971

    the united states police canine association is formed when two other associations merge
  • 1980

    by the 1980s a progress report of women in policing reaffirmed that women could perform as equal as men and that women officers received fewer complaints than their male counterparts.
  • 1985

    policing in the us was under siege so they needed to hire more police and had foot patrol
  • 1990

    local police departments served cities with a population of 250,000 or more.
  • 1995

    three- fourth of the agency providing law enforment services on 4 year campuses in the u.s with an enrollment of 2,500 or more used sworn officers granted general arrest powers.
  • 2000s

    American indian tribes operated 171 law enforcement agencies that employed the equivalent of at least 1 full time sowrn officer with general arrest powers.
  • 2002

    june 2002, federal agencies had employed more the 93k full time personnel authorized to make arrests and carry firearm in the 50 states and district of Columbia.
  • 2008

    federal agencies employed approximately 120,000 full-time law enforcement officers who were authorized to make arrests and carry firearms in the United States.
  • 2013

    About 27% of local police officers were members of a racial or ethnic minority, compared to 15% in 1987.
  • 2017

    a large numbers of officers told us that the most important change they’d like to see is patrolling in pairs