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history of policing

  • new york

    The New York city sherrif office was founded
  • night watch

    the town of Boston first started the night watch
  • circumvention

    police made arrest but circumvented their responsibilities
  • year of riots

    occured in new york
  • new york

    new york joined the night watch and day watch as a single force
  • new yorks first dress code dark blue

    new york starts the first drees code for all officers
  • the first two african american

    the first two african american joined the police
  • the first police brutality

    new york city times used police brutality to describe a civilian getting beat
  • pennslyvania was the first state agency

  • berkelys was the first to use blood analysis

  • first female deputy

  • first female as a police officer

  • the liar detective test was founded

  • fingerprint classification

  • radio equipped officers

    easier to communicate to other officers
  • fbi made a forensic lab

  • officer shot and killed a black teenager

    a predjudice officer killed a black teenager
  • 911 was made

    it made calling the police easier and quicker
  • Period: to

    several cases of police corruption

    the police officers were causing corruption
  • united states had the canine assistance

    the united states started using dogs to help police officers in many ways
  • compstat is put into function