History of policing

By kj12137
  • Position 'gaurdians of the piece'

    Constables selected men to serve as gaurdians of the piece.
  • The sheriff;s duty

    Sheriff's held elections collected taxes and kept custody of the public funds.
  • Police position "Marshalls"

    Local marshalls were appointed by a mayor or city council and served locally as police.
  • The vigilante

    Vigilantees were self appointed law enforcers who punished outlaws.
  • The beginning of policing

    the new York City Sherriff's office was founded
  • Bostons nightwatch

    The town of boston began the first night watch.
  • First Modern Police department

    The boston police department becomes the first local modern police department in Us
  • Finishing of NYPD

    The New York city police Department is established.
  • First African American police officers

    First two African american police officers: Robert William stewart and Roy Green are hired by LAPD.
  • Father of modern law enforcement

    August vullmer, the police chief of bergley,CA, becomes the father of modern law enforcement
  • First state police agency

    The Pennsylvania state police becomes the first state police agency.
  • Beginning of female Police

    Alice Stebbon wells was the first female police officer hired by LAPD.
  • First female deputy

    The first female deputy sherif Margaret Q Adams was hired by the LA county Sheriff's department
  • police become experts

    reforms began: officers became professional and crime experts
  • Government takes control

    In many american cities , local political leaders had control over the police force.
  • The fingerprint process

    The fingerprint classification system was developed
  • The begining of the '911' number

    911 was created
  • Police corruption

    Investigations several city police departments reavealed cases of police corruption
  • Female officer rights increased

    Female officers were assigned to patrol duty and crime investigation
  • Canine police

    The united states police canine association is formed when two other associations merge.