History of Physical Therapy

  • 460 BCE

    The Begining of Physical Therapy

    The first practitioners of Physical Therapy were believed to be Hippocrates, and Galenus around 460 B.C. During this time period Hippocrates used massages, manual therapy techniques and hydrotherapy to treat people. (The Joint Ventures Blog, 2014).
  • The Begining of Modern Physical Therapy

    During the 18th century orthopedics was in development. Technology has improved to where machines were a common use of Physical Therapy. During this time period the Gymnasticon was one of the common machines replicating a stationary bike. The use of the Gymnasticon was to treat Gout, and similar diseases by working out the joints in the body. Also the invention of the bath wheel chair was introduced in 1783. (The Joint Venture Blog, 2014).
  • Father of Gymnastics

    During the 19th century Physical Therapy took a turn for the better. Per Henrik Ling is known as "the father of Swedish Gymnastics". Per Henrik Ling founded the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics in 1813. This institution focused on the recovery based on massages, manipulations, and exercises. Furthermore, in 1887 Physical Therapist were given official registration to Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare. (The Joint Ventures Blog, 2014).
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

    In 1894 four nurses, Lucy Marianne Robinson, Rosalind Paget, Elizabeth Anne Manley, and Margaret Dora Palmer founded the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. What this organization does is provide quality services of physical treatments. These four nurses provided a whole new way of looking at physical therapy with manipulation, mobilization, massages, electrotherapy and acupuncture. The organization also heavily pursues the advancement of physiotherapy.(Chartered Society of Physiotherapy 2008).
  • Modern Physical Therapy

    Modern Physical Therapy was established towards the end of the 19th century. During this time the technology advanced drastically. In 1916 the polio epidemic became a widespread in the U.S.A. The polio epidemic caused muscle weakness and the ability to not move. During this time the need for muscle testing, and muscle re-education to restore function grew drastically. ( The Joint Venture Blog, 2014).
  • American Physical Therapy Association

    The first physical therapy school was established at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington D.C. During the outbreak of the first World War, the first research of physical therapy was published in 1921 in the PT Review. Also, physical therapist formed the first professional association "American Women's Physical Therapeutic Association". This association eventually influenced the idea of the American Physical Therapy Association which is what we go by today. (The Joint Venture Blog, 2014).
  • Technological Advancment in PT

    During the late 1900s technology and equipment for Physical Therapist grew. The introduction to MRI scanners, BFR machines, Laser Therapy. During this time period they introduced the concept of ice/cold packs.
  • Physical Therapy During the Late 1900s

    From 1967-1976 the profession of PT expanded into the management of orthopedics and cardiopulmonary disorders. With the advancement of open heart surgery, PT began being practiced in both preoperative and postoperative units. They did this to care for patients with joint restrictions and with the concept of joint replacement. Also during 1984 the practice of PT on animals was brought into existence and is still expanding to this day. (The Rise of Physical Therapy: A History in Footsteps, 2014).
  • Modern Day Physical Therapy

    In the 21st century, Physical Therapy is in demand. With PT in demand the average salary for a PT in Houston Tx is 90k a year. Pt in the 21st century is continuing to grow in employees and advancing in technology with Therapy instructions on smart phones and devices. Also there has been VR technology that has placed patients in a virtual environment. Further more Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment system is used to help patients with strokes or Traumatic injuries to help improve senses