History of Physical Education- Aairreona Bailey

  • Fredrich Jahn

    Fredrich Jahn
    The father of gymnastics. The German system included ladders, running tracks, horizontal/parallel bars, and jumping pits. Training happened in gyms and clubs. but did not let Jewish people practice.
  • Requirement

    Physical education was first required by schools in Denmark.
  • First PE Teacher

    First PE Teacher
    Dr. Charles Beck was the first physical education teacher at Round Hill school in Boston, Massachusetts and taught based off of the German gymnastics system.
  • Catherine Beecher

    Catherine Beecher
    She developed physically appropriate activities for females such as archery, horseback riding, and lifting weights to music. She also emphasized the science of physical activity.
  • First Ever College Competition

    First Ever College Competition
    Harvard and Yale had a Regatta which was the first intercollegiate competition
  • First City

    First City
    Boston was the first city to mandate physical education into their school’s curriculum. After this, multiple cities across the country would start to follow suit and add physical education to their curriculum.
  • In Curriculum

    In Curriculum
    California becomes the first state to mandate physical education into their curriculum with the purpose of keeping kids active.
  • "New" PE

    "New" PE
    PE is finally recognized as a subject in school and is known as a profession now. There is medical and science influence telling people that physical activity is good for you
  • Association for the Advancement of Physical Education

    Association for the Advancement of Physical Education
    William G. Anderson formed the Association of the Advancement of Physical Education in order to prepare and train himself and others to become physical educators.
  • Olympics

    The Olympics, as we know today, started in 1896n and was held in Athens, Greece. The competitors were male only. 14 different nations competed in 10 different sports. In the modern Olympics, athletes had to be amateur which ended up excluding poor people and people of color from participating.
  • Get that Degree!

    Get that Degree!
    At Teachers College Columbia University, the first master's degree in physical education was offered.
  • NCAA

    Teddy Roosevelt forms the National College Athletic Association because there were too many injuries that could be potentially dangerous, especially in football.
  • Satchel Paige and Jackie Robinson

    Satchel Paige and Jackie Robinson
    Satchel Paige was the first black professional baseball pitcher on the Cleveland Indians Team. Jackie Robinson was the first black professional baseball player.
  • Period: to


    Free movement exercise is wanted compared to disciplined exercise. New physical activities such as dance and swimming are learned in school. They start to let children learn physical education with more freedom and developmentally appropriate activities compared to discipline.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    Brown vs. The Board of education gave black students to get the same education, resources, and opportunities as white students. Up until now, black students did not receive physical education unlike the white students.
  • Presidential Fitness Award

    Presidential Fitness Award
    President Lyndon B. Johnson created Presidential Fitness Awards to motivate kids to be active. the award was won by meeting different states standards of physical fitness. On the award, the president’s signature was on it.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX is a federally signed law that doesn't allow discrimination based on sex in sports. Even though it was signed in 1972, it was not implemented until 1979 and is still disputed to this day.
  • Americans with Disability Act

    Americans with Disability Act
    An act to end discrimination against people with disabilities. The five areas of improvement (employment, public services and accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications) helped physical education because all recreational areas must provide people with disabilities with accommodations to get the same access to facilities as someone without disabilities would get.
  • No Child LEft Behind

    No Child LEft Behind
    George W. Bush tried to improve education through grades 3-8 by requiring states to give assessments about basic skills to receive federal funding. Even though physical education was included, physical education was put on a back burner compared to English, Math or Science.
  • Child Nutrition in Schools

    Child Nutrition in Schools
    All schools will be provided with healthy and nutritional food to low-income students. Included in this law was promoting nutrition along with physical fitness. Schools getting funding from the government had to have physical education in their curriculum.